刘冷楠 罗少军
摘 要:目的:观察湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)用于外科创面的治疗效果。方法:本组98例病人全部使用MEBO治疗,根据创面情况分别采取湿性暴露疗法和湿性包扎疗法。结果:98例病例中5cm的15天,15cm以上的36天,创面愈合时间缩短,组织修复较快。结论:MEBO为外科创面优效药物。
分类号:R282 710 文献标识码:B
Clinical Observation on the Efficacy of MEBO in Treating 98 Cases of Surgical Wounds
Liu Leng-nan(Dept. of Plastic Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College 524001)
Luo Shao-jun(Dept. of Plastic Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical College 524001)
Abstract:Objective: To observe the efficacy of MEBO in treating 98 cases of surgical wounds. Method: All the patients were treated with MEBO. Either moist exposed or moist bandaging method was used. Results: Wounds smaller than 3 cm healed in 8 days, wounds larger than 5 cm healed in 15 days and wounds larger than 15 cm healed in 36 days. Conclusion: MEBO is a good remedy for treating surgical wounds.
Keywords:Burn; Wound; MEBO
作者简介:刘冷楠 (1956- ),女 (汉族 ),广州市人,广州医学院毕业,主治医师 . 罗少军 (1955- ),男 (汉族 ),广东人,广东医学院毕业,副院长,主治医师 .