陈秦吉 孙要文 刘晓军 杨旅军
摘 要:目的:寻求满意的清除创面沥青的方法。方法:应用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)均匀涂布于创面,2小时用棉球轻拭,反复进行。结果:所有患者创面上的粘着沥青均满意清除,创面组织无损伤作用,亦无不良反应。结论:应用MEBO清除创面沥青,具有使用方便、清除效果好、无副作用等特点,值得推广应用。
分类号:R969; R282.710 文献标识码:B
The Application of Moist Exposed Burn Ointment in Erasing Asphaltum from the Wound
Chen Qin-ji(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi-an, Shaanxi Province 710068)
Yao-wen(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi-an, Shaanxi Province 710068)
Liu Xiao-jun(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital, Xi-an, Shaanxi Province 710068)
Abstract:bjective: To explore an appropriate way to erase the asphaltum from the wound. Method: To cover the wounds with MEBO and then swab the wounds gently 2 hr later. This procedure can be repeated when necessary. Result: All the asphaltum was erased without complaints. Conclusion: MEBO has the advantages of easy application, complete removal of asphaltum and no side effect.
Keywords:MEBO Asphaltum Erasion
作者简介:陈秦吉 (1957- ),男 (汉族 ),陕西西安人,西安医科大学毕 业,副主任医师 孙要文 (1963- ),男 (汉族 ),陕西西安人,西安医科大学毕 业,副主任医师 刘晓军 (1966- ),男 (满族 ),黑龙江肇东人,第四军医大学 毕业,主治医师 杨旅军 (1968- ),男 (汉族 ),陕西韩城人,华西医科大学毕 业,主治医师 .