• 黄芪对严重烧伤病人红细胞免疫功能的影响
  • 黄金华  谢庆美  李平松  刘亦峰  王茜
    摘 要:目的:研究黄芪对严重烧伤病人红细胞免疫功能的影响。方法:将30名烧伤面积为30%以上的烧伤病人,随机分为烧伤对照组和黄芪治疗组。黄芪治疗组患者给予黄芪精口服液,一日3次,每次10ml,连服35天。两组患者伤后每隔7天检测一次红细胞C3b受体花环率(C3b花环率),共检测5次。结果:烧伤对照组C3b花环率值明显低于正常(P<0.01),而黄芪治疗组C3b花环率值虽较正常为低,但于伤后两周左右始显著高于烧伤对照组(P<0.01)。结论:黄芪对严重烧伤病人的红细胞免疫功能可发挥重要的调节作用。
    分类号:R644;R967 文献标识码:B
    The Effect of Astragalus on Red Cell Immune Function in Patients with Severe Burn
    HUANG Jing-hua(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Hospital of Yangzhou University Medical College, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225001) 
    XIE Qing-mei(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Hospital of Yangzhou University Medical College, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225001) 
    LI Ping-song(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Hospital of Yangzhou University Medical College, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225001) 
    Abstract:Objective: To study the effects of astragalus on red blood cell immune function in patients with severe burn. Method: 30 patients with burn wounds covering over 30% TBSA were randomly divided into burn control group and astragalus treatment group. Astragalus juice was given orally 10 ml t.i.d. for 35 days to patients in astragalus treatment group. The rosette rate of red blood cell C3b receptors in the two groups was measured on days 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 post burn. Result: The rosette rate levels of red blood cell C3b receptors in burn control group were markedly lower than those of normal levels (P<0.01). But the rosette rate levels of red blood cell C3b receptors in astragalus treatment group were markedly higher than that of burn control group after 2 weeks or so post burn (P<0.01). Conclusion: Astragalus may play an important role in red blood cell immune function of severely burned patients.
    Keywords:Red blood cell; Immune function; Severe burn; Astragalus
    作者简介:黄金华(1953-),男(汉族),江苏扬州人,副主任医师,副教授. 谢庆美(1954-),女(汉族),江苏扬州人,主管护师. 李平松(1963-),男(汉族),江苏扬州人,副主任医师,副教授.
    作者单位:黄金华(杨州大学医学院附院 江苏 杨州 225001) 
         谢庆美(杨州大学医学院附院 江苏 杨州 225001) 
         李平松(杨州大学医学院附院 江苏 杨州 225001) 
         刘亦峰(杨州大学医学院附院 江苏 杨州 225001) 
         王茜(杨州大学医学院附院 江苏 杨州 225001) 
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