中国中西医结合学会烧伤专业委员会于2000年8月8日在北京举行了《中国烧伤皮肤再生医学 成就》中外记者发布会。发布会上,公布了徐荣祥教授和他的研究人员利用人体烧伤部位活 组织医疗模型,原位培植皮肤干细胞再生新皮肤技术治疗大面积深度烧伤获得成功的多项研究成果。原位干细胞皮肤再生复制研究是在烧伤湿性医疗技术研究基础上进行的。烧伤湿性医疗技术是国家卫生部十年百项成果首批推广普及的十项重大医药技术。技术发明人徐荣祥教授经过数年的研究发现,烧伤湿性医疗技术对烧伤治疗是通过皮肤原位干细胞皮肤器官再 生复制过程实现的,这一重大研究发现,使人类干细胞研究提前进入了原位干细胞器官复制应用领域。
皮肤是人体最大的器官,之前,当皮肤烧伤后,因无法实现其皮肤器官的修复和复制,从而使自行愈合的烧伤创面则愈合后疤痕累累,不能愈合的烧伤创面则不得不行外科手术切除而后再植皮封闭,造成愈后残疾。10年前,徐荣祥发明了烧伤湿性医疗技术,从而使烧伤病人可达到皮肤再生愈合,避免和减少了残疾。多年来,徐荣祥教授潜心研究,解析其皮肤再生的机理,最近正式完成了皮肤再生机理的研究:首先在烧伤后可启动皮肤伤处原位活组织细 胞再生为干细胞,而后调控其皮肤干细胞,转变成皮肤组织,使干细胞在原位组织中直接转化为皮肤器官,这一成果不仅实现了干细胞可复制皮肤器官,而且实现了人类原位皮肤器官的复制。使人类由干细胞体外培植组织或器官移植治疗的前沿科学领域,直接跨入人体原位干细胞培植器官更加前沿的科学领域。
人类干细胞的研究,1999年12月美国《科学》杂志将其评为人类十大科学成就之榜首,人类 基因组测序和“克隆”名列第二。但国际上对干细胞研究仅停留在对干细胞分离后体外培植干细胞或组织阶段,在原位组织干细胞的直接器官培植的设计应用研究中尚未见报道。人类干细胞分两种类型,其一是全功能干细胞,即胚胎干细胞,可直接克隆人类或动物;其二是多功能干细胞,可直接复制各脏器和修复组织。在该项成果发布会上,徐荣祥教授除报告了人体皮肤干细胞的研究情况,还将十几名被湿性医疗皮肤干细胞再生技术治愈的、烧伤总面积超过90%的大面积深度烧伤病人带到现场,展示干细胞修复的皮肤和再生的新皮肤。
徐荣祥教授的原位皮肤干细胞再生研究成果是干细胞研究领域中的重大突破。也显示我国干细胞研究已提前进入组织和器官的原位干细胞修复和复制阶段,遥遥领先于其他国家。为使这一重大医疗技术造福于世界所有烧烫伤病人,以及为医学科学、教育医疗等提供科学资料,中国中西医结合学会烧伤专业委员会出版了《烧伤医疗技术蓝皮书》第一卷,该著作详细介绍了烧伤湿性医疗皮肤再生技术的治疗学理论、治疗方法及多项干细胞再生复制皮肤器官 的研究成果。
Breakthrough: Researches on Skin Regeneration and
Duplication by Stem Cell in vivo and in situ
China National Burns Association (West-East) held a press release on “Achieveme nts on Burn Treatment by Skin Regeneration in China” in Beijing today. The pres s release was focused on series of research achievements accomplished by Profess or Rongxiang Xu and his team. Using residual viable burn skin tissue, they fulfi lled the promise of skin regeneration by stem cell culturing in vivo and in situ and successfully applied the technology in treating extensive deep burn victims . Research on stem cell regeneration in vivo and in situ was conducted on Moist Ex posed Burn Therapy (MEBT), one of the first ten significant medical technologies to be popularized according to the notice issued by Ministry of Health. With ye ars' studies, Professor Rongxiang Xu, the inventor of the therapy found out that it was by skin regeneration and duplication from stem cell culturing in situ th at MEBT effectively treats burns. The significant discovery advances human stem cell research to enter into the application field of organ duplication by stem c ell culturing in vivo and in situ.
Skin is the largest organ of human body. In the past, once burned, skin burn wou nds usually healed spontaneously with various scars because of incapability of o rgan repair and duplication. Surgical excision was performed on the wounds incap able of healing and then wounds healed following skin grafting, which resulted i n disablement. One decade ago Professor Rongxiang Xu invented Moist Exposed Burn Therapy that made it possible for burn wound to heal by regenerating and thereb y avoided and reduced disablement. In the following years, Prof. Xu continued hi s studies in an attempt to uncover the mechanism of skin regeneration. It is unt il recently that he completely accomplished this study and justified a fact that subsequent to burn injury, human body has an instinct of triggering residual ti ssue in situ to regenerate stem cells, which then are adjusted to give rise to s kin tissue. The process of directly inverting stem cell in situ to skin organ no t only realizes the duplication of skin organ from stem cell but also accomplish es replication of human skin organ in situ. The advance has brought the frontier of culture of stem cell in vitro or organ transplantation therapy to a more fro ntier of human organ duplication by stem cell in vivo and in situ.
In December of 1999, human stem cell research was listed as the top of ten scien tific achievements in “SCIENCE" followed by the second rank of sequencing of th e human genome and clone. At present time international research in this regard r emains in the period of stem cell and tissue culturing in vitro after isolating stem cell. Studies on designing and application of direct organ culturing with s tem cell in vivo and in situ have not been reported yet. There are two types of human stem cell, one is totipotent or embryo stem cell which can directly clone human or animal; and the other is pluripotent stem cell which is capable of givi ng rise to organs and repairing tissues. Besides the presentation on stem cell r esearches, more than ten extensive burn patients with over 90% TBSA (total burn surface area) and deep burns healed with treatment of skin regeneration techniqu e made their appearances in the event to demonstrate the repaired and regenerate d new skin.
Achievement of stem cell regeneration in situ by Professor Rongxiang Xu is a bre akthrough in the stem cell research. It indicates such research in China has com e into an era of tissue and organ duplication by stem cell culture in vivo and i n situ, and keeps ahead of international level. To benefit all burn patients wit h this significant medical technology and provide scientific data for medical sc ience and medical education, China National Burns Association (West-East) compli ed “Blue Book on Burn Medical Therapy " (Volume 1). The book gives intensive de s cription of the therapeutic bases of burn skin regeneration technique, methodolo gy as well as other achievements on stem cell regeneration in situ.
On the press release, Professor Rongxiang Xu gave a detailed presentation on the researching thoughts and significant prospects of stem cell culturing in situ i n the fields of skin cosmetics and refreshing, repair of gastrointestinal moscou s membrane and other organ duplication, which are claimed to revolutionize the practice of medicine.
1. Background information of research on stem cell regenerating in situ
2. Release on achievements
3. Stem cell: A Premier, National Institute of Health, May 2000