• 《中国烧伤皮肤再生医学成就》发布稿
  • 这次发布会,重点报告我国徐荣祥教授带领他的研究人员,利用基因调控和细胞原位培养技 术,通过人体皮肤原位细胞和皮肤组织干细胞的组织培养程序,实现其皮肤再生,达到治疗 各种皮肤烧伤目的的多项研究成果。这些成果表明,烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术在人类器官复制 的前沿科学研究上取得了突破性进展。


    第一部分 烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术的技术构成

    第二部分 皮肤再生技术与外科切除植皮技术在大面积深度烧伤治疗上的临床实况治疗对照

    第三部分 皮肤再生技术的皮肤培养基的研究

    第四部分 皮肤再生技术的非杀菌控制细菌、毒素感染技术的研究

    第五部分 皮肤再生技术的生理湿润环境的研究

    第六部分 皮肤再生技术在对大部分真皮烧伤(深Ⅱ度) 创面修复的组织学研究

    第七部分 皮肤再生技术对全厚皮烧伤创面修复的组织学研究

    第八部分 皮肤再生技术的核心技术——皮肤干细胞的研究

    第九部分 皮肤再生技术对深度烧伤的治疗实况

    第十部分 皮肤再生技术治愈的大面积烧伤病人展示

    第十一部分 皮肤干细胞再生技术在相关医学领域中的应用展望

    第一部分 烧伤皮肤再生医疗技术的技术构成

    烧伤皮肤再生技术,由两大部分八项主要技术构成:第一部分是无损伤性地液化排除坏死皮 肤的医疗技术;第二部分则是在其创面活组织的基底上全部或部分再生新的皮肤。烧伤皮肤 再生技术的实现,必须依靠八项综合性的医疗技术、细胞和组织的原位培养技术来完成。具体结构如下:

    第二部分 皮肤再生技术与外科切除植皮技术在大面积深度烧伤治疗上的临床实况对照

    目前,世界各国的教科书上仍在刊用烧伤外科切除植皮技术治疗烧伤的教材,医院也在用其治疗烧伤病人。按中国烧伤外科切除植皮技术治疗的现况计算,如果用烧伤外科切除植皮技术治疗烧伤,在中国则每年要有93万带有不同烧伤残疾的人走向社会。为防止或减少烧伤残疾,特将外科切除植皮技术及烧伤皮肤再生技术的临床治疗实况对比报告如下:(详见幻 灯片资料)

    第三部分 皮肤再生技术的皮肤培养基的研究

    全厚皮烧伤创面在坏死的皮肤被液化排除后,创面仅有皮下组织及皮下组织中的皮肤信息细胞,皮肤再生技术在这个阶段的作用是全方位供给新皮肤组织所需要的营养物质。其营养成分有多糖、脂肪、蛋白质及氨基酸、维生素、电解质和微量元素等。既往,创面修复所必须的这些物质的供给主要靠创面上的微血管,但人体血液内的成份尚不能完全满足创面皮肤再生的需要,所以还必须从体外供应营养物质,从而促使我们研究完成了创面皮肤再生所需要的培养基。这种培养基为全营养成份,但其中各成份的分子量、特性及总含量等尚须根据创面的再生需要进行调整。目前所使用的通用培养基是MEBO。为保障培养基对创面的供养和维持创面代谢,特将该MEBO培养基制作成一种具有皮肤代谢功能的框架剂型。MEBO培养基 的特性如下:

    * 框架剂型的组成及工作原理(详见幻灯片资料)

    * MEBO培养基的营养成份组成(详见幻灯片资料)

    第四部分 皮肤再生技术的非杀菌控制细菌、毒素感染技术的研究



    * 金黄色葡萄球菌

    * 绿脓杆菌

    * 大肠杆菌

    * 变形杆菌

    * 白色念珠菌

    * 破伤风杆菌

    * 脆弱类杆菌等。(详见幻灯片资料)

    第五部分 皮肤再生技术的生理湿润环境的研究

    在皮肤再生技术的研究中,创造创面皮肤再生的生命环境是首要任务。无论基因调控技术如何前沿;无论皮肤的培养基如何符合再生的物质要求;无论创面下的血氧供应多么丰富,如果没有为创面创造一个生理的湿润生命环境,则绝不可能实现其皮肤残存的原位细胞和再生的干细胞修复再生为新的皮肤组织。所以生理湿润环境的研究起着决定性的治疗作用。但如何在烧伤创面上创造一个生理的湿润生命环境,一直是生命科学中难题。作者根据模仿人体皮肤的呼吸和代谢功能,设计了框架剂型以及具有与皮肤自身产生的水溶性和脂溶性物质相似的成分,共同组成了代替皮肤功能的软性外用品。同时利用有机食用油对坏死组织颗粒具有的包绕和酯化作用,实现其新生的皮肤组织始终在一个生理的湿润环境中修复和再生 。


    * 创面水份蒸发量的研究方法及数据(详见幻灯片资料)

    * 组织学变化(详见幻灯片资料)

    第六部分 皮肤再生技术对大部分真皮烧伤(深Ⅱ度)创面修复的组织学研究


    第七部分 皮肤再生技术对全厚皮烧伤创面修复的组织学研究



    第八部分 皮肤再生技术的核心技术——皮肤干细胞的研究

    美国《科学》杂志于1999年12月公布了人类的十大科学成就,人体干细胞的研究被评为十大科学之首。目前世界上最前沿水平是干细胞的初期研究,尚没有实现人体自身原位干细胞再生组织器官的应用。而本研究公布了干细胞在皮肤原位复制上的应用。为了从机理上说明皮肤组织再生复制的这一涉及基因启动、调控和原位细胞培养等前沿学科的成果,现将皮 肤组织的构成——皮肤干细胞的研究报告如下。

    在全厚皮烧伤创面,表皮组织已不复存在,如果自然修复创面,则必须实现皮肤组织的再生复制。皮肤是人体最大的器官,在器官的复制上人类尚无成功资料可借鉴。作者在对皮肤基因碱基对研究的基础上,寻找原位细胞信息,研究启动原位信息细胞再生干细胞的基因 片段及启动物质。经过长达8年的研究,终于找到了这一环节,并利用仿生学原理及物质,实现了表皮干细胞的皮肤复制再生。本报告利用特异的小鼠抗人角蛋白19型的单克隆抗体(McAb)对正常皮肤和烧伤创面中的原位细胞进行免疫细胞化学观察,显现人体皮肤再生干细胞在皮肤再生过程中的表现,以确立皮肤再生的物质基础。(详见幻灯片资料)


    第九部分 皮肤再生技术对深度烧伤的治疗实况

    深度烧伤创面的治疗是创伤外科领域创面治疗中最复杂的问题之一,因在一个创面上, 既存在着坏死的皮肤组织,又同时存在着间生态组织、成活组织等。按西方医学的保守疗法 ,认为不可能有某种药物既能排除坏死组织,又能改善间生态组织及保护成活组织,促使残 存组织再生;在创面上创造一个生理的再生环境更是不可思议。若能同时实现多种相反功能 作用的保守治疗,则如同天方夜潭,是根本不可能的。所以西方医生则选择放弃对烧伤皮肤 治疗的方法,采取将烧伤皮肤切除,使烧伤变为刀伤创面,再对刀伤创面进行植皮治疗。其 治疗结果在上面的各部分均作了介绍。

    皮肤再生技术治疗深度烧伤利用了祖国医学祛腐生肌的哲学思想,按生态学的自然变化 规律,利用仿生学原理,设计出了烧伤湿性医疗技术。烧伤湿性医疗技术由烧伤湿润暴露疗 法的创面处理原则和专门配制的创面外用MEBO膏组成。MEBO膏的功能既能保持创面的生理环 境,又能无损伤性地液化排除坏死组织;既能控制细菌、毒素对创面的破坏,又是供给创面 皮肤组织再生的细胞培养基;既能及时排除创面的代谢产物,又能及时供给创面必须的成分 和创造出生理的再生环境。


    * 面部Ⅲ度烧伤创面的治疗(详见幻灯片资料)

    * 骨烧伤的治疗(详见幻灯片资料)

    * 电击伤的治疗(详见幻灯片资料)

    第十部分 皮肤再生技术治愈的大面积深度烧伤病人展示



    第十一部分 皮肤干细胞再生技术在相关医学领域中的应用展望

    皮肤是人体最大的器官。人体干细胞是“万用细胞”,理论上是完全可以实现人体器官的再 生复制,但目前世界上尚未见利用人体干细胞培养技术进行原位器官和组织复制的技术。本 项干细胞再生皮肤组织器官研究的成功,不仅在烧伤治疗上应用成功,而且将在皮肤及消化 道粘膜的修复及复制上,实现如下“梦想”:

    1、治愈所有皮肤病 (系统性发病除外)。

    2、治愈所有消化道粘膜疾病 (系统性发病除外)。





    Release on “Achievements on Burn Treatment

    by Skin Regeneration in China”

    The Press Release is emphasized on series of research achievements accomplished by Professor Rongxiang Xu and his team from China. Using the technology of gene regulation and cell culture in situ, they fulfilled the promise of skin regenera tion by cell culture in situ and stem cell culture and successfully treated vari ous skin burn injuries. These achievements have revealed that Burn Skin Regenera tion Therapy is a breakthrough in the study on human organ duplication.

    The contents of release consist of following eleven parts.

    Part One Technical composition of Burn Skin Regeneration Therapy

    Part Two Clinical effects of skin regeneration the rapy compared with surgical incision and skin grafting therapy on treating exten sive deep burns

    Part Three Study on skin culture medium of skin regenerat ion therapy

    Part Four Studies on skin regeneration technique c ontrolling bacteria and toxin infection by non-bactericidal mode

    Part Five Studies on physiological moist environment of s kin regeneration therapy

    Part Six Histological studies on skin regeneration therapy for treating deep partial-thic kness (deep Ⅱ degree) burn wounds

    Part Seven Histological studies on skin regenerati on therapy for treating full-thickness derma burn wounds

    Part Eight Core of skin regeneration therapy—— study on cutaneous stem cells

    Part Nine Clinical treatment of deep burn wounds w ith skin regeneration therapy

    Part Ten Revelation of extensive deep burn patient s treated with skin regeneration therapy

    Part Eleven Prospective application of skin stem c ell regeneration therapy in relevant medical fields

    Part One Technical composition of Burn Skin Regenerati on Therapy

    Skin Regeneration Burn Therapy consists of two parts with eight specific technol ogies. The first part refers to medical burn treatment by liquefying and dischar ging necrotic tissues. The second one describes the full or partial regeneration of skin tissues over basal layer of viable tissues on wound. The completion of Skin Regeneration Burn Therapy requires the collaboration of the eight technolog ies involving medical technique, culture of cell and tissue in situ. Illustratio n is shown as below.

    Part Two Clinical effects of skin regeneration the rapy compared with surgical incision and skin grafting therapy on treatin g extensive deep burns

    Currently, surgical incision and skin grafting therapy is compiled as standard i n the medical textbooks, and in wide use for clinical burn treatment in many cou ntries. However, take the recent status in China for example, the application of surgical incision and skin grafting therapy in burn treatment may result in 930 ,000 healed burn patients with varied disfigurement and disablement. To prevent or reduce the disfigurement and disablement resulted from burns, herein are clin ical effects of skin regeneration therapy compared with surgical incision and sk in grafting therapy.

    (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Three Study on skin culture medium of skin regeneration therapy

    In full-thickness derma burn wound, after the liquefaction and discharge of necr otic tissues, there only remains subcutaneous tissue with inside skin informatio n cells. During this period, newly regenerated skin tissue treated with skin reg eneration therapy is constantly supplied with necessary nutriments including pol ysaccharides, lipids, proteins, amino acids, vitamins, electrolytes and trace el ements, usually through micro blood vessels toward to wound. But the nutritional constituents in blood are insufficient for the need of skin regeneration. There fore, external nutritional supplement becomes a must and which encouraged us the study on culture medium required for regeneration of wound skin. The medium is composed of all sufficient nutriments whose molecular weight, characteristics an d total content are needed to adjust. MEBO is the currently used general culture medium. To ensure the nutritional supplement and maintain the metabolism of wou nd, MEBO medium is designed and produced as the dosage form of frame structure a nd with the metabolic function of skin. The characteristics of MEBO culture medi um are explicated as follows.

    *Composition of frame structure dosage form and action mechanism thereof 

    (Refer to slides for details)

    *Composition of nutrients of MEBO culture medium (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Four Study on skin regeneration therapy controlli ng bacteria and toxin infection by non-bactericidal mode

    Following burn injury, the wound is a site with seriously bacterial contaminatio n and infection on which the study of skin regeneration is beyond belief of most doctors and researchers. Therefore, control of the bacteria colonization and in fection of burn wound is emphasized, otherwise, any cells in situ or stem cells with the capacity of skin regeneration will be rapidly destroyed. Moreover, toxi ns released from bacteria concurrently will cause lesions to local wound as well as whole body. It is widely recognized that application of antibiotics and anti bacterial agents is the only solution. But such application in an environment po tential for skin regeneration is same as pouring boiling water onto vigorous flo wer -- it will severely destroy and stop the regeneration of tissues and cells. Anti-bacteria and regeneration became significantly contradictory and has been a block to the research and realization of regeneration. Upon the consideration o f the relationship between bacterial vitality and harm, we established a new tec hnique, which is capable of preventing tissues and cells from injury of bacteria while not threatening vitality. It effectively controls bacteria and toxin infe ction, thereby ensures the application of skin regeneration therapy. In this par t, we will release the research data on bacteria morphology of promoting bacteri a to variation and reducing or blocking bacterial toxicity.

    Experimental studies on morphological variation of following bacteria have been conducted to control the damage from bacteria and toxins.

    * Staphylococcus aureus

    * Pseudomonas aeruginosa

    * Escherichia coli

    * Bacillus proteus

    * Candida albicans

    * Bacillus tetani

    * Bacteroides fragilis (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Five Studies on physiological moist environment of skin regeneration therapy

    Creation of an optimum environment for skin regeneration is the primary task in the research on skin regeneration technique. Without such environment, skin rege neration from residual viable cells in situ and stem cells is impossible no matt er how advanced the regulation and control technique of gene is, how sufficient the skin culture medium coincides with the requirements of regeneration, how ric h the supply of blood and oxygen to the wound is. Therefore, the research on phy siological moist environment plays a crucial role in the wound treatment. Howeve r, it has been a challenge in life science to create a physiological moist envir onment on burn wound. Following the pattern of respiratory and metabolic functio ns of human skin, we innovated a frame structure of dosage form as well as the w ater-soluble and oil-soluble substances similar to those secreted by normal skin itself to compose a soften extern-use product substituting the skin functions. Meanwhile utilizing the function of organic edible oil for coating and esterifyi ng the particles of necrotic tissues, newly regenerated skin tissues are kept in a physiologically moist environment to repair and regenerate.

    We conducted researches on histological examination of burn wound and clinical t rials and the results testified that the moist environment for skin regeneration is a physiological life one.

    * Research method and data of water evaporation of wound (Refer to slides for de tails)

    * Histological changes (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Six Histological studies on skin regeneration therapy fo r treating deep partial-thickness (deep Ⅱ degree) burn wounds

    According to the medical textbooks in many countries, deep Ⅱ degree burns must heal pathologically with scar formation. In clinical treatment, some doctors tre at this kind of burn wound by preserving crust and healing wound subcrust, while some doctors by tangential excision of crust and performing skin grafting. The former treatment results in scar formation and the latter operation leaves burn wound with irreversible unhealthy tissue due to secondary surgical trauma. In co ntrast, skin regeneration therapy is much simpler which actively liquefies and d ischarges necrotic burn tissues without causing pains, then enables residual via ble tissues to repair and burn wound to heal to normal in situ. The following re port comes from the histological studies on skin regeneration therapy for treati ng deep II degree burn wound to scientifically reveal the therapeutic effects.

    (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Seven Histological studies on skin regeneration therapy for treating full-thickness derma burn wound

    Conventional surgical burn therapy believes it impossible to spontaneously repai r and heal full-thickness derma burn wound based on the knowledge that skin unli kely regenerate from subcutaneous fatty tissue due to the necrosis of full dermi s layer, which misleads the burn treatment to simple surgical excision method. B urn skin regeneration therapy, however, breaks this belief. It convinces that fo llowing full-thickness derm burns, the viable subcutaneous tissue deprived of de rmis tissue still contains isogenous secretory epithelial cells of sweat gland, fibrocytes in fibrous septum of fatty layer as well as vascular tissue at the ro ot of skin blood vessel tree. Triggering and properly regulating the regeneratio n of various histocytes may achieve the regeneration of skin tissues. A report o f histological changes of skin regeneration by histological identification metho d is given in this part. The detailed mechanism will be released successively.

    (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Eight Core of skin regeneration therapy——study on cuta neous stem cells

    In December of 1999, “SCIENCE” released top ten scientific achievements and hu man stem cell research was ranked the first. The updated research in this field in the world has shown us the accomplishment of the initial study on stem cell, while organ duplication by regenerating stem cell in situ is still under develop ment. In this report however we will release the research results to explicate t he mechanism of skin regeneration involving the interdisciplinary frontiers such as trigger, regulation of gene and cell culture in situ, and the application of stem cells in skin duplication in situ.

    Epidermis tissue is no longer available on full-thickness derm burn wound. The r egeneration and duplication of skin tissue is a must for spontaneous wound repai ring. Although skin is the largest organ of human body, there is no scientific i nformation about successful duplication thereof so far. On the basis of the stud ies on base pair of skin gene, we conducted the research to seek for cell inform ation in situ in an attempt to find the gene fragment capable of triggering rege nerative stem cells and the initial substance. It is until eight years since the outset of the research that we made successes by using principle and substance of bionics in realizing regeneration and duplication of epidermal stem cells. Th e following report focuses on immunocytochemical examination of normal skin and burn wound tissues by using specific mouse antihuman type 19 keratin monoclonal antibody (McAb) to display the expression of stem cells in situ in regeneration process, so as to establish the substantial basis of skin regeneration.

    (Refer to slides for details)

    Discussion: Human body has an instinct of triggering stem cells in situ to regen erate subsequent to burns. However due to a variety of factors, it is rarely abl e to trigger or activate stem cells in adult except bone marrow one, so organ du plication in situ is far from a reality. Skin regeneration therapy, however, bas ically solves the problems and brings about a breakthrough in organ duplication that promotes human stem cell research to enter a phase of application of organ duplication by stem cell in situ.

    Part Nine Clinical treatment of deep burn wounds with skin re generation therapy

    Treatment of deep burn wounds is one of the most complex issues in the managemen t of burn wound since many tissues coexist on the wound such as necrotic tissue, parabiotic tissue, viable tissue, etc. According to western conservative therap y, no drug is able to discharge necrotic tissue while improve parabiotic tissue, protect viable tissue and promote the regeneration of residual tissue at the sa me time, not to mention the creation of a physiological environment for regenera tion on wound. In their opinion, a conservative therapy realizing multiple adver se functions simultaneously must be mirage. Based upon such knowledge, western d octors give up treating burn skin tissue itself, instead, they excise burn tissu es and transform burn injury to secondary surgical traumatic wound, then skin gr afting is applied. The final results thereof have been discussed in the previous parts.

    Good use of traditional Chinese medical philosophy of removing the necrotic tiss ue and promoting granulation is made in skin regeneration therapy for treating d eep burns. In compliance with the natural changing laws of ecology, moist expose d burn treatment is designed using the principle of bionics. This treatment tech nique consists of the principles of wound care of moist exposed burn therapy (ME BT) and specially designed topical ointment -- moist exposed burn ointment (MEBO ). MEBO not only creates and maintains a physiological moist environment for reg eneration on wound, protects the wound from damage of bacteria and toxin, clears away the metabolic products of wound, but also promotes the liquefaction and di scharge of necrotic tissues without causing injury, supplies cell culture medium and necessary nutrient in due course for the regeneration of skin tissue.

    Clinical treatment of deep burn wounds with skin regeneration therapy:

    * Treatment of facial III degree burn wound (Refer to slides for details)

    * Treatment of burn of bone (Refer to slides for details)

    * Treatment of electric burn (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Ten Revelation of extensive deep burn patients treated with skin re generation therapy

    To identify the actual therapeutic effects of skin regeneration therapy in burn treatment, dozens of burn victims sustaining extensive deep burns and cured by t his therapy are invited to make their appearance in the Press Release. You are w elcome to validate the effects and authenticity of the therapy with your own eye s by comparing the pictures taken at the time of burn injury and their current s tatus.

    (Refer to slides for details)

    Part Eleven Prospective application of skin stem cell regeneration thera py in relevant medical fields

    Skin is the largest organ of human body. Human stem cell as totipotent one is ca pable of regenerating and duplicating human organ in theory. At the present time there is no report about a technology with an ability of duplication of organ a nd tissue in vivo using the advance of human stem cell culture in situ. Our succ ess in regeneration of skin tissue not only is effectively applied in burn treat ment but may lead to realization of the following “dreams” in the repair and d uplication of skin and mucous membrane of gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

    1. Curing varied skin diseases (excluding those caused by systemic disorder)

    2. Curing varied lesions to GIT mucous membrane (excluding those caused by syste mic disorder)

    3. Repairing varied traumatic wounds and ulcers of body surface

    4. Preventing skin from aging, repairing and replacing skin

    5. Being significantly valuable to the therapeutic research on diseases i nvolving mucous membrane and intimal epithelium of internal organs

    6. Decoding gene of controlling and regulating organ regeneration in comp liance with skin coding rules to fulfill the promise of organ duplication in viv o from human stem cells in situ.

    China National Science and Technology Center for Burns, Wounds & Ulcers

    Beijing Guangming Chinese Medicine Institute for Burns, Wounds & Ulcers

    August 7, 2000