• Decoding the Mystery of Human Life Regenerative Extension (2)——Mitochondria dominate daily life
  • 目录

    XU Rong-xiang

    Authors place of work:The Institute of Beijing Rongxiang Regenerative Medicine

    Key wordsLife Science; Cytology; Chromosome; Life substances; Human life extension


    Series two of the mystery of human life regenerative extension: “Mitochondria dominate daily life”, i.e. when life substances from the nature enter the cell life entity, mitochondria generate energy substances and working orders for life sustention and life activities at the first place, which will be transmitted to cell nucleus and other related cell organs; cell nucleus generates working plan of life activities and transmits it to endocytoplasmic reticulum (ER) and other related cell organs within its life attributed functional range; ER and other related cell organs carry out working orders by cell nucleus and complete plan so as to realize the extension of cell life.


    Life dominatorit refers to life self extension and sustention domination after life entity formation. It has two ways, one being sustention decided by life genetic attributes, the other being acquired life sustention influenced by the nature.

    Daily lifeIt refers to life self sustention activity after life entity formation.

    Regenerative nutrientsIt refers to the indispensible nutrients for invigorating and nourishing regenerative cell life.

    Vigor, Energy, Spirit and StrengthIt refers to human body’s mental response, energy for activity, spiritual vitality and strength for muscular movement.



    We disclosed the secret of human body regeneration in 2002, in particular the proposal of the concept of ‘human body extension’. Till now it has been eight years during which the effects of regeneration restoration on human body have gradually been appearing, especially our technical specialist made a conclusion for all members recently. First of all, the conclusion confirmed a new life phenomenon, also called life law that is the sustained enhancement of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength. The law of expression of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength is completely the same either on normal people or on cancer patients. Why did the thriving of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength occur on the cancer patients just like the healthy people? Today, we are going to talk about the second part of ‘the mystery of human life extension——life daily dominator around this topic. In the first part of ‘the mystery of human life extension’, four life indicators, also called regenerative life indicators had been referred that made the perception of life directly ascending into the world outlook perception of regenerative life. Today, I am about to speak about the core secret of regenerative life——mitochondria is the dominator of daily life. From the beginning of the human history, the dominator of daily life depends on one kind of natural evolution. But after we put our regenerative science and technology into practice, the dominator of daily life appears a phenomenon of exceeding the usual. Almost one hundred percent experimenters gained the same result. Hence, the results do not need the statistic analysis. Statistics is to build up mathematical modeling with probability theory in which find out targets’ specificity through complicated data. However, when the same results were gained from such large amount of samples, the probability seeking is no meaning. How did the phenomenon of the enhancement of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength occur? Or how did the regenerative capability of human body exert? The answers nest in today’s lesson.

    1.The Life Relations of Three Major Organelles

    First of all, we review the intracellular basic architectureSee details in fig 1. Cell is consisted of many organelle, the core in today’s lesson is around the three major organelles: mitochondria (A), nucleus (B) and endoplasmic reticulum (C) See details in fig 2.The previous discussed life secret is the relationship between cells, between cells and tissue organs. The life secret I am about to tell today is the relationship among the three organelles. To decode the relationship among the three major organelles is the same as the people seeking for the partnership among planets and the process to acquire the law of gravitation. In the life relationship, we concluded the relationship among them is ‘mitochondria→nucleus→endoplasmic reticulum’ in accordance with the realized results by ourselves. That is the mitochondria is the dominator of daily life—the general commander, the nucleus is the executive body, endoplasmic reticulum is the implementing body. Then what are mitochondria, why do we call it as mitochondria? What is the function of mitochondria in the life of cell? What is nucleus? In the life body, nucleus is a big organ in cell. There is hereditary substance in the nucleus. Why does the hereditary substance not locate the out-layer of cell, but encircle layers by layers. Why do we not take the nucleus as the dominator? And the endoplasmic reticulum, what its function is? The above questions are what we are going to give the answers in today’s lecture. In today’s lecture——Decoding the Mystery of Human Life Regenerative Extension (2)—Mitochondria Dominate Daily Life, the life mystery among ‘mitochondria as chief director, nucleus as executive, endoplasmic reticulum as implementor’ will be decoded.


    Figure 1Cell Structure               Figure 2A.Mitochondrion B.Nucleus C.Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)

    Then, let us review the first life mysterySee details in fig 3. ‘Decoding the Mystery of Human Life Extension’ we had disclosed in 2002, the secret is when the human cells are approaching into senescence, tumorigenesis, disease and apoptosis, the potential regenerative cells (PRCs) will be activated by the action of regenerative nutrients to exert its own regenerative potential, then regenerate into new cells and displace the dysfunctional cells. That is the code and mechanism of human body regenerative restoration that had successfully been applied in fields of severed finger, burns, traumatic injuries, GI mucous injuries and etc. After the announcement of the procedures of human body regeneration restoration, the study direction of worldwide life science is adjusting to mine step by step. However, we have begun the application on human and testified its authenticity in line with the realized results and the concluded laws. The process is just like to crack a criminal case. According to the results, the facts were elicited from the reasoning by us. But many researchers of life science are still on the way of exploration. Therefore, it can be side that we are the finisher with secret results, they are the explorer with brief summary.  

    When a cell occur senescence, apoptosis, necrosis and tumorigenesis, firstly there will be a kind of specific protein produced. This kind of specific protein, we call it as ‘the body activating signal’. We had detected and acquired its function in 2002See details in fig 4. Via this signal in association with regenerative nutrients, the cellular potentiality could be exerted, the somatic cells could be transformed into stem cells, and then the new regenerated cells would be realized to displace the previous abnormal cells, all of which are the scientific mechanism of potential regenerative cells displacing original cells. We used the results to decode the secret. The announced any results are those that had been realized. When the apoptosis, senescence or severe disease occur on a cell, the cell can not sustain by itself and step into death; the concept of fibrocyte does not have function, but the fibrocyte without previous functions. Just like the process that leek changed into grass. The advantage of our science and technology is to cease the undergoing fibrosis; some of them will keep on proliferation and differentiation without the functional impacts. As long as the abnormal changes happen on cells, we will let the changes terminate. This is the dominating action exerted from the genetic attributed function of nucleus. When the dominating signal is released, it will be passing in the blood stream, the receptors in human include tissue cells and brain. Among the receptors, the most sensitive one is the tissue cells having the similar sort as the cells in abnormal changes. As they have the same message signal as the cells that are approaching to death. The referred law of cell-membrane passageway will be explained in detail in the future; the brain is the general signal receptor of human body. There is an individual port for each kind of signal in the neurological cells of brain. Therefore, when the brain receives the signal, it will release the active substance-cellular regenerative message into the blood stream on both the patients with burn injuries and those with traumatic injuries and surface ulcers. It is the law we found in the treatment of burn injuries. Hence, the distribution of signal is inevitable that is the human body function. It is just like the healing process of skin traumatic injuries that is modulated via the brain. Whereas, it can never cultivate the skin organs in culture solution from the singular skin grafting piece, merely the extension of local tissue. For no activating signal is originated from brain. But the growth of injured skin must depend on the overall management of brain. Moreover, with the reception of signal from approximate cells and brain, it must have the supplement of the regenerative nutrients. In the secondary development of regenerative cells, only the provision of the foundational nutrient substances is insufficient. The cells need the overall nutrient substances that are what we call ‘regenerative nutrients’. The finding of these regenerative nutrients is through the unceasing practice and gradual exploration, at first step, we found them in the regenerative process of skin, then the gastrointestinal system, liver and renal. The regenerative nutrients are largely identical bur with minor difference for different organs. The combination of regenerative nutrients in the regenerative process is different from that in usual status. It is just like the adult food that is unacceptable for the infant. We are always creating and searching from this kind of regenerative nutrients. Therefore, only if this kind of regenerative nutrients is provided for the cells, the cells will grow and develop again in accordance with the original life law. The result is no scar formation on wound. If there is no exertion from such regenerative nutrients, the granulation tissue will be growing out from the wound, then with the repeated occurrence of swelling, necrosis and etc. Ultimately the skin can not grow according to its naturally growing and developing procedures. As a result, it is requisite for the growth of cells to provide regenerative nutrients.

    2.Life Dynamics of Mitochondria and Regenerative Nutrients

    According to the above two points: one is the signal released from brain, the other is the regenerative nutrients that are artificially intervened, the life conditions of the cell can produce a kind of regenerative response under the awakening by signal and the activation by regenerative nutrients. Then the procedures of stem cells are stepped into. The reason why the regenerative response does not occur in normal people is that we do not know what the Potential Regenerative Cells (PRCs) would like to eat. If the three meals they eat just as what we have for each day as usual. Later, we found that the three meals each day can not maintain the growth of PRCs. Only if the regenerative nutrients were added, the PRCs can enter into the procedures of stem cells. This is the core secret we announced at the first time in 2002. And the core secret is originated from our real experimental results. The announced secret at the second time is the realizing process and major conditions of the exertion of regenerative nutrients that is the partnership between regenerative nutrients and cells. In order to decode this secret, we have to make studies in the cells. The relationship of ‘mitochondria→nucleus→endoplasmic reticulum’ is the main body that progress a step forward in the study of human body, but not the consequence.

    We observed the normal cellcancer cell and regenerative nutrients under the electron microscope, we can see that regenerative nutrients directly entered into the cells through the fatty acid passageway (there are many passageways for the cell membrane to absorb the nutrients, such as the energy passageway, the transportation passageway with different mechanisms, one of them is the fatty acid passageway). The transportation by fatty acid passageway is the natural contact between cell and nature. Some viruses enter into the cell via this passageway. After the entrance, they will occupy all organelles. Some so-called scientists also used this passageway to make some substances, such as transgenosis, virus and etc and confused the studies of cell life by some others. Hence, we appealed and definitely rejected against the studies that violate the intracellular architecture at will without understanding the life essence. Whoever manually brings the extragenetic components into the cell is to commit the criminal of dying out human that is anti-human. Regenerative nutrients enter into the cell via fatty acid passagewaySee details in fig 5without going into the nucleus, but in cytoplasm. As the membrane of nucleus has no fatty acid passageway. Therefore, the fatty acid passageway is to transport the regenerative nutrients from extracellular space to cytoplasm. After stepping into the cytoplasm, they are utilized by cell. And the organelle to utilize the regenerative nutrients is the mitochondrion. Mitochondrion has two lays: the inner layer and the outer layer with the same feature with fatty acid passageway: fatty acid can also penetrate into mitochondrion, but not for those large molecules. When excessive fatty and oil foods (mainly including large-molecule fatty acid) are consumed, the large-molecule fatty acid can not enter into the mitochondrion and stay in the cytoplasm causing fat accumulation and steatosis, then they can not be utilized by mitochondrion. When the small-molecule substances are entering into the inner layer through the outer layer, the molecule weight becomes much little after one type of change that is the change of substance. The two layers of mitochondrionSee details in fig 6are consisted of lipoprotein membrane. The proportion of fatty acid to protein in outer layer is 4:6 that allows the entrance of large-molecule substances. The proportion of fatty acid to protein in inner layer is 3:7 that only allows the entrance of small-molecule substances. Protein and fatty acid are the building material fro the cellular architecture, not the chromosome, RNA. They are the architecture material of various membranes. Cell is composed by various membranes, no matter the membrane of mitochondrion or the membrane of endoplasm reticulum. The major structure is the composition of fatty acid and protein. Therefore, it is said the human trophic structure should be in line with the proportion of the building material of the cellular architecture.   

    When a cell occur senescence, apoptosis, necrosis and tumorigenesis, firstly there will be a kind of specific protein produced. This kind of specific protein, we call it as ‘the body activating signal’. We had detected and acquired its function in 2002See details in fig 4. Via this signal in association with regenerative nutrients, the cellular potentiality could be exerted, the somatic cells could be transformed into stem cells, and then the new regenerated cells would be realized to displace the previous abnormal cells, all of which are the scientific mechanism of potential regenerative cells displacing original cells. We used the results to decode the secret. The announced any results are those that had been realized. When the apoptosis, senescence or severe disease occur on a cell, the cell can not sustain by itself and step into death; the concept of fibrocyte does not have function, but the fibrocyte without previous functions. Just like the process that leek changed into grass. The advantage of our science and technology is to cease the undergoing fibrosis; some of them will keep on proliferation and differentiation without the functional impacts. As long as the abnormal changes happen on cells, we will let the changes terminate. This is the dominating action exerted from the genetic attributed function of nucleus. When the dominating signal is released, it will be passing in the blood stream, the receptors in human include tissue cells and brain. Among the receptors, the most sensitive one is the tissue cells having the similar sort as the cells in abnormal changes. As they have the same message signal as the cells that are approaching to death. The referred law of cell-membrane passageway will be explained in detail in the future; the brain is the general signal receptor of human body. There is an individual port for each kind of signal in the neurological cells of brain. Therefore, when the brain receives the signal, it will release the active substance-cellular regenerative message into the blood stream on both the patients with burn injuries and those with traumatic injuries and surface ulcers. It is the law we found in the treatment of burn injuries. Hence, the distribution of signal is inevitable that is the human body function. It is just like the healing process of skin traumatic injuries that is modulated via the brain. Whereas, it can never cultivate the skin organs in culture solution from the singular skin grafting piece, merely the extension of local tissue. For no activating signal is originated from brain. But the growth of injured skin must depend on the overall management of brain. Moreover, with the reception of signal from approximate cells and brain, it must have the supplement of the regenerative nutrients. In the secondary development of regenerative cells, only the provision of the foundational nutrient substances is insufficient. The cells need the overall nutrient substances that are what we call ‘regenerative nutrients’. The finding of these regenerative nutrients is through the unceasing practice and gradual exploration, at first step, we found them in the regenerative process of skin, then the gastrointestinal system, liver and renal. The regenerative nutrients are largely identical bur with minor difference for different organs. The combination of regenerative nutrients in the regenerative process is different from that in usual status. It is just like the adult food that is unacceptable for the infant. We are always creating and searching from this kind of regenerative nutrients. Therefore, only if this kind of regenerative nutrients is provided for the cells, the cells will grow and develop again in accordance with the original life law. The result is no scar formation on wound. If there is no exertion from such regenerative nutrients, the granulation tissue will be growing out from the wound, then with the repeated occurrence of swelling, necrosis and etc. Ultimately the skin can not grow according to its naturally growing and developing procedures. As a result, it is requisite for the growth of cells to provide regenerative nutrients.

    2.Life Dynamics of Mitochondria and Regenerative Nutrients

    According to the above two points: one is the signal released from brain, the other is the regenerative nutrients that are artificially intervened, the life conditions of the cell can produce a kind of regenerative response under the awakening by signal and the activation by regenerative nutrients. Then the procedures of stem cells are stepped into. The reason why the regenerative response does not occur in normal people is that we do not know what the Potential Regenerative Cells (PRCs) would like to eat. If the three meals they eat just as what we have for each day as usual. Later, we found that the three meals each day can not maintain the growth of PRCs. Only if the regenerative nutrients were added, the PRCs can enter into the procedures of stem cells. This is the core secret we announced at the first time in 2002. And the core secret is originated from our real experimental results. The announced secret at the second time is the realizing process and major conditions of the exertion of regenerative nutrients that is the partnership between regenerative nutrients and cells. In order to decode this secret, we have to make studies in the cells. The relationship of ‘mitochondria→nucleus→endoplasmic reticulum’ is the main body that progress a step forward in the study of human body, but not the consequence.

    We observed the normal cellcancer cell and regenerative nutrients under the electron microscope, we can see that regenerative nutrients directly entered into the cells through the fatty acid passageway (there are many passageways for the cell membrane to absorb the nutrients, such as the energy passageway, the transportation passageway with different mechanisms, one of them is the fatty acid passageway). The transportation by fatty acid passageway is the natural contact between cell and nature. Some viruses enter into the cell via this passageway. After the entrance, they will occupy all organelles. Some so-called scientists also used this passageway to make some substances, such as transgenosis, virus and etc and confused the studies of cell life by some others. Hence, we appealed and definitely rejected against the studies that violate the intracellular architecture at will without understanding the life essence. Whoever manually brings the extragenetic components into the cell is to commit the criminal of dying out human that is anti-human. Regenerative nutrients enter into the cell via fatty acid passagewaySee details in fig 5without going into the nucleus, but in cytoplasm. As the membrane of nucleus has no fatty acid passageway. Therefore, the fatty acid passageway is to transport the regenerative nutrients from extracellular space to cytoplasm. After stepping into the cytoplasm, they are utilized by cell. And the organelle to utilize the regenerative nutrients is the mitochondrion. Mitochondrion has two lays: the inner layer and the outer layer with the same feature with fatty acid passageway: fatty acid can also penetrate into mitochondrion, but not for those large molecules. When excessive fatty and oil foods (mainly including large-molecule fatty acid) are consumed, the large-molecule fatty acid can not enter into the mitochondrion and stay in the cytoplasm causing fat accumulation and steatosis, then they can not be utilized by mitochondrion. When the small-molecule substances are entering into the inner layer through the outer layer, the molecule weight becomes much little after one type of change that is the change of substance. The two layers of mitochondrionSee details in fig 6are consisted of lipoprotein membrane. The proportion of fatty acid to protein in outer layer is 4:6 that allows the entrance of large-molecule substances. The proportion of fatty acid to protein in inner layer is 3:7 that only allows the entrance of small-molecule substances. Protein and fatty acid are the building material fro the cellular architecture, not the chromosome, RNA. They are the architecture material of various membranes. Cell is composed by various membranes, no matter the membrane of mitochondrion or the membrane of endoplasm reticulum. The major structure is the composition of fatty acid and protein. Therefore, it is said the human trophic structure should be in line with the proportion of the building material of the cellular architecture. 

    The membrane of mitochondrion has many functions with the production of various enzymes. The enzymes can transfer the natural energy into the energy that can be utilized by cell. Then the natural substances are changed into the substances that can be utilized by cell. Most of the regenerative nutrients entering into the cells are changed into ATP (part of them are separated, I will explain in future). Then the human body will produce the heat, but not overweight. All those regenerative nutrients are changed into energy and releasedSee details in fig 7. Take one elder in Sichuan earthquake as an example, the elder were buried fro several days with extreme weakness. After the consumption of regenerative nutrients, the elder was capable of performing the daily activities out of bed quickly.

    Figure 7Procedures of producing ATP by mitochondrion


    3.Life Dynamics of Mitochondria and Nucleus

    Mitochondrion can produce the energy by itself, at the same time; the produced energy can enhance the mitochondrion. There is a special part of mitochondrion that it is a semi-autonomous organelle with independent genetic system. DNA of mitochondrion is the head organ for itself and the control system. This control system either modulates its own activities or releases the substances to provide the transportation message that constitutes the information unit of mitochondrion. The message is distributed to nucleus. Once the cell needs regeneration, mitosis or renewal, mitochondrion will direct the nucleus to release implementing orders. The DNA of mitochondrion is maternal inheritance substance that is influenced by the metabolism of food and energy in nature. Both the inter-space between the two layers of mitochondrion and the endoplasm in the inner layer are core of life energy source. The products from the inter-space and in the inner layer are different. The more the required nutrients are assimilated from the nature, the better the robust of mitochondrion function will be, and the larger the impact will be delivered on cellular vitality. It is expressed that the thriving of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength changes a lot via the results of regenerative restoration. Why? Because we offer the overall regenerative nutrients that cell did not consume previously. And then the function of cellular mitochondrion is changed from root with sufficient production of ATP. Meanwhile, with the enhancement of mitochondrion itself, it can ensure that the message released from DNA can be maintained integral. And the nucleus, as the executive will not make erroneous estimation. If the message is insufficient, the nucleus is susceptible to make the false judgement. Hence, in the life of a cell, mitochondrion is the general commander. The natural nutrients determine the life vitality of mitochondrion. With the sufficient provision of nutrients by nature, the vitality of mitochondrion appears thriving, then the distributed message is correct with the reflection of the thriving of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength; oppositely, with the inadequate provision of nutrients, the vitality of mitochondrion will be reduced with the insufficiency of the distributed message and the non-thriving of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength. The means of message distribution of mitochondrion is the same as the means of genetic transmission in nucleus that the message is directly entering into via the direct penetration of the nucleus membrane. And the nucleus membrane is of the specific selectivity. After entering into the nucleus membrane, the chromosome in nucleus will exert the corresponding functions.

    As we all know, chromosome is the core of life. It is the genetic substance of biological attributive. This kind of life attributive is unchangeable. Any scientific studies that change the life attributive are anti-human. It was reported recently that Harvard University utilized on screened telomerase to conduct the rejuvenation test on mice. As the deficits of telomerase in mice, the mice appeared the advanced senescence or the organs and tissues in mice were in the advanced dystrophy. To activate the telomerase to complement telomere with telomerase activator, or to increase the length of telomere, the obtained consequence is the continue rejuvenation growth of mice cells without the occurrence of advanced senescence or the termination of senescence. Although this study revealed some kind of life phenomenon of regeneration that is the assistance to Human Body Regeneration Restoration Science, in fact it was the damage to the life attributive. The therein life mechanism of cell was unknown. Chromosome is the genetic substance of life that is greatly destructed by various chemical substances in nature leading to the occurrence of many disorders, such as the cancer and etc. And our studies during the G0 (Gap 0) phase of cell circle, had figured out the tumorigenesis. We believed that cell with the appearance of the changes on cancer genes is the ultimate consequence of the occurrence of cancer cells; but there are no genetic changes at the beginning of the transformation of cancer cells from normal cells. The genes in nucleus are inherited from parent, so the DNA in nucleus is of bi-sexual genetic heredity that can not be changed. However, the mtDNA of mitochondrion appears maternal inheritance that is nothing relationship with the paternal inheritance. The life scientist worldwide began to use the chromosome in the study of life source quite earlier and knew that the mitochondrion can be used in the study of maternal society. But it was a pity that they did not know to use mitochondrion in the study of acquired leading life. The genetic substance of mitochondrion is also DNA that means the life congenital attributive and the acquired controllability. The DNA activity of mitochondrion determines the health of mitochondrion. Mitochondrion is also in apoptosis with the occurrence of genetic changes that has the relationship with the nutritional status. But the chromosome will not be affected by the natural nutrition. It is only determined by genetic inheritance that is the life attributive with unchangability. It is meant that the chromosome will never be changed due to the nutritional deficiency as a result of lowered socioeconomic status. The mitochondrion is changeable. Mitochondrion can distribute the message in accordance to the life conditions to guide the exertion of nucleus function. The chromosome in nucleus receives the message from mitochondrion and distributes the order. But there is a rule that this order is not inherited, but the order from mitochondrion that is determined by the acquired conditions except for chromosome (does not mean the chromosome genetic information). After the accession of the message, the chromosome will give the working order to endoplasm reticulum that is the implementation body. After a series of procedures, the corresponding proteins, glucoses and lips will be ultimately produced. Some proteins will be kept for the cell mitosis; some will be transported into the blood stream, then to the other organs, such as the albumin composed in liver cells, insulin produced from langerhans’ s islet and etc; some are the composition to distribute signal, such as the death signal to the brain. Many activities in human body are finished through the release and distribution of such signal.

    4.Mitochondria dominate daily activities of cells

    Look back on the Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection study of the deep burn wound in Xiang Fan, the study shows that the wounds without MEBO ointment have the green exudation and the wounds with MEBO ointment have no green exudation. The bacteria test results shows that the Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced the green protein on the wounds without MEBO ointment and Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced the harmless proteins on the wounds with MEBO ointment. It can be concluded that there is no need to use antibiotics to treat the large area deep burn patients. The reason why the Pseudomonas aeruginosa produced different proteins due to the supply of different nutrition for them, however, there is no genetic changes of bacteria. The nutrition that we provide the indispensable for the normal cells and it change the nutrition environment of bacteria and the mitochondria can release different signals to chromosomes and the signals to the endoplasmic reticulum are different as well and finally the protein produced is different and it has no harm to the human body. Therefore, we can foresee that the human antibiotics will be replaced by the non-bactericidal substances and we have published the changing rule of bacteria on the monograph of Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy in 2004 by Swiss Karger Publish House. Six years after we published the study achievement which carried out in 1996, one Scientist in LA published one assumption on the Professional Science Journal, he had a vision that one day in the future there is no need to kill the bacteria and to make the bacteria to produce the human body co-existence protein, just as the protein produced by liver and to make the bacteria become symbiotic bacteria living into the human organism and he assumed that if it can be realized and it will be a revolutionary of antibiotics. However, we have published the achievement in the monograph long time ago.

    What mentioned above proved that Nuclear DNA is different from Mitochondrial DNA. The protein synthesis is the physiological behavior of human body and it is the result of chromosome inheritance and it can maintain the normal lives. If the gene changed, the protein expression will be changed as well. The transgenics is not the life science and the research on human genome is not the life science as well and it is against humanity. Transgenics can be used on the plant and food research, but it is still need further study. The metabolism of nutrition is not firstly in the chromosome but firstly in mitochondria. The protein and polysaccharides can synthesized through energy generation of mitochondrial and the processing in the rough, smooth endoplasmic reticulum and the processed nutrition can be used for cells and nucleus. This is the relationship between the cell and life and we must make it clear. Mitochondria carry out the unified command and the chromosomes in the nucleus carry out the order and the endoplasmic reticulum carry out the order. In order to maintain the prosperous Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength of human organism, we should provide the best nutritional composition ratio to the cells to maintain the good function. Then the performance of mitochondria can be strong and the state of self-generated signal and ATP can be strong. And the chromosome and the endoplasmic reticulum can place the order and carry out the order with enough energy. As chromosome, regardless of how the external supply of nutrients changes and health status, the function of chromosomes does not change, unless the use of artificial control command, such as the use of radiation and chemotherapy can lead the chromosomal abnormalities. There should be a macro understanding of human life science instead of the research on transgenics alone; however, the transgenics research can provide some scientific data. In a word, the genuine commander of daily activity of cell is the Mitochondria.

    The core concept of this lecture is the mitochondria; we should be accordance with the development of mitochondria rather than control it. Mitochondria contain the generic maternal mitochondrial DNA, the health is mostly related to the maternal DNA, but it is not concerned with genetic diseases. The healthy status can be changed and strengthened by mitochondria. The DNA in the mitochondria is different from the DNA of nucleus in spite that all of the DNA are composed of chromonucleic acid, but the DNA in mitochondria is completely from Maternal DNA. The DNA in the chromosome is the combination of patrilineal and maternal DNAs. Why there is no patrilineal DNA in the mitochondria? The scientist should continue to explore the mysteries. Therefore, the current scientific research on human life is still not clear and it is at the periphery of life science. We can proudly say that we finally entered into the first gate of life science and discovered some natural laws, but we still need to go further. The persistent evolution of DNA in mitochondria depends on both hereditary factors and individualized factors. The evolution of humans is still at the very ignorant stage and far deprived from life by the misleading of molecular biology study over the past century. The conclusion above is supported by the following successful study results.

    5.Scene of How Mitochondria dominating daily life

    During the routine cell culture study to promote cell living, the dynamic state of normal human pulmonary blastocytes was observed after the supplement of regenerative nutrients in the cultureSee details in fig 89. The cellular mitochondria showed a variety of shapes such as round or lentil shaped, and the liver contained the most mitochondria because its need of most energy to synthesize the most proteins. Back to our study, once regenerative nutrients granules entered pulmonary blastocystsSee details in fig 10, mitochondria got active, which was followed by the initiation of cell division and nuclear chromosome change leading to cell division. How could this process be initiated? Regenerative nutrients only entered cell plasma instead of cell nucleus. Endocytoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria in cell plasma are the major metabolic sites for regenerative nutrients. ER plays a role of synthesizing proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, and has no direct relation to cell division. Therefore, it was concluded that the key to the initiation of cell division was the effect of regenerative nutrients on citochondria in cytoplasma, consequently starting nuclear division. The active mitochondria in the presence of regenerative nutrients showed satiation status under microscope, which spur the activity of ER, finally leading to the opening of cell membrane and release of metabolic substancesSee details in fig 11. Take pulmonary cells for example, their expiration and inspiration of oxygen and carbon dioxide depends on the release of active hormones, which indicate that the ER is in the active state. The mitochondria became more after the regenerative nutrient entered into the cell and then the ER became active. After 3~4 days, the nucleus began to divide and at the same time the regenerative molecules were completely consumed. Those activities were carried out in the normal cell and its procedures are as the regenerative nutrients entered into the cell and the mitochondria became more active, the nucleus began to divide and the metabolism of cell became more vigorous (See details in figure 12). On the contrary, the pulmonary cells without regenerative nutrients did not divide and in the static state (See details in figure 13).

    Figure 15Te procedures to kill A549 cancer cell

    The life activity of pulmonary cancer cells with regenerative nutrients (See details in figure 14) has the contrary effect with the normal cell. After the regenerative nutrients entered into the cancer cell, the mitochondria became little swelling (swelling is the indication of decrease of mitochondria function) and then the “leg” outside the cell began to disappear (See details in figure 15). The reason is that the cancer cell can not adapt the environment with regenerative nutrients and the regenerative nutrients can lead to the swelling and necrosis of endomembrane and ectal membrane and the mitochondria function disappeared and the cancer cell became dead. It is can be called “suicide” (Suicide is the pathological changes of nucleus and chromosome and it can lead the cell to death). That is to say, after the regenerative nutrients entered into the cell, the function of mitochondria decreased, the supply of ATP stopped, the DNA of mitochondria released the signal of death to nucleus and the nucleus sent out the unified apoptosis command and terminated the life of cell. This is the death of apoptosis instead of necrosis (‘necrosis’ is the cell collapse, lysosome collapse etc). Regarding to the cell apoptosis, the world hasn’t found the model that any food can lead to the cell apoptosis death, what they applied is the chemicals and those chemicals only targeted on the gene and change the gene and then lead to the cell apoptosis. Apoptosis  should have been proved by a lot of experiments, but now it only need to be proved by the morphological changes of cells under electron microscope and the cells we see all the organelles have no damage, but the cell death is apoptosis (see details in figure 16). It is necessary to make clear the sequence of mitochondria and nucleus apoptosis. The above mentioned that the first mitochondria became more active and the nucleus began to divide are aiming at the normal cell. Regarding to the cancer cell, if the mitochondria are active, it will send the signal to the nucleus and the nucleus began to divide and proliferate into new cancer cell. if the function of mitochondria decreased, the nucleus could not divide and form the new cancer cell. The death of mitochondria will lead to the suicide of cancer cell which is the natural life law. We have been carrying out the anti-cancer study since 2007 and we have already achieved initial success.


    It can be seen through the figures, the cell without regenerative nutrients was in the static state. The normal cells could be activated after the regenerative nutrients entered into the cells and began to divide. The cancer cell provided with regenerative nutrients went into the death of apoptosis which is the theory of regenerative anti-cancer therapy (see details in figure 17). In clinic, some cancers were poorly controlled due to the insufficient absorption of nutrition and regenerative nutrients. So we are carrying out the “Meatbun Test” (It is a test by us to examine and verify the improvement of absorptive function of gastrointestinal tract after regenerative restoration program. It is performed by quantifying diet nutrients which are made in ratio of 4:1:1:1:3 into meatbun and supplied to subjects as daily diet in combination of fresh water and then detecting and comparing the results before and after the regenerative restoration program with the index of nutrients contained in the blood.) and Injection Test etc. The purpose is to supply adequate nutrients, but currently the nutrient supply only depends on the dietary means and the injection therapy needs further research. Therefore, to maintain the digestive function of gastrointestine is the key point, only strengthen the digestive and absorptive function of gastrointestinal mucosa can make the nutrients enter into the bloodstream. When the concentration of regenerative nutrients is not enough in the blood, the cancer cell will continue grow and when the concentration of regenerative nutrients is enough in the blood, the cancer cell will go into the apoptotic death and the normal cell will grow.


    According to this lecture, I hope that we can connect it with the common scientific knowledge and apply it on the members, guests and cancer patients for the regenerative restoration. Meanwhile, the technicians should know the core of line-line and distinguish it from the Modern Medicine. We are studying the normal property of life. As long as we can control the life property and the cell will not get disease, except the disease caused by exogenous factors. The modern medicine is focusing on searching various chemical drugs to cure the diseases. From the vision of Regenerative Medicine, those drugs are the poisons. The mitochondria only accept the natural nutrition instead of those chemical drugs. While if the nutrition provided is not what the mitochondria need, the mitochondria do not accept it either. Recent news from NASA reported that they have found one kind of bacteria which use arsenic as main composition of the bacteria body, which is against as we know that the phosphorus is the main composition of the plants and animal and arsenic is considered just as poison which terminates life. The discovery shows that there exists the other unknown life. In the future, the third and fourth life may be discovered and that will also be accordance with the natural law. The application of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science should also be accordance with the law.

    In summary, the ordinal relation among mitochondria (A), nucleus (B), endoplasmic reticulum (C) is from the life science instead of genetics and it is the core of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science. The relation between the smallest life unit and life introduced is the first discovery of the mysteries of the human life extension. The ordinal relation among mitochondria (A), nucleus (B), endoplasmic reticulum (C) is the second discovery of the mysteries of the human life extension. These can explain that the energetic Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength of human body is the result of the activation of the process of human body regeneration and this is the life property and this is also the essence of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science.


    Collated according to Prof. Xu’s lecture record on Dec 13th, 2010