• Master the Law of Regenerated Life and Try to Be a Medical Grandmaster of Time
  • XU Rong-xiang 

    Affilitions: The Institute of Beijing Rongxiang Regenerative Medicine 

    key words   Human body in situ Regeneration; Law of life; Law of regenerated life; Regenerative restoration and health preservation; Medical grandmaster of time


    On the fourth meeting of committee members of the CBAIM that is held today, we should keep our mind open when we are summarizing the developmental history of Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy for the treatment of burns, wounds and surface ulcers. The development and spreading of Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy has brought about a revolutionary change to the whole system of medical science. Currently, no one can obstruct its development, for the efficacy of Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy has preceded any other clinical techniques and procedures. Its application in the treatment of intractable wounds like burns, traumas, diabetic ulcers and the initiation of clinical trial in FDA will lead to a worldwide revolution. We can see the significant difference from the experimental results of diabetic ulcers with our naked eyes in which the wound healed in test group (with Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy), while there was no sign of healing in control group (with traditional methods). With this significant difference, we can unfold its scientific use to heal any ulcer by regenerating new skin and tissues. This is a Chinese scientific idea that is established at this moment. 100 years later, we may pass away, but this new medicine will be much more valuable at that time and it will become one part of scientific developmental history.

    Toady, we are going to discuss the law of regenerated life in the human body! What is the law? The law is totally different from the regular pattern. Law is something others derived from one conclusion; while regular pattern is a general direction derived from multiple individual directions.

    Today is the first time we will announce the definition of the law, and next we will publish relevant articles. In 2002, the scientific community was astonished when we announced that human body has the ability of in situ regenerative restoration. But now, almost all life science researchers are following our route. The same thing happened last year. When we published mitochondria dominate life, mitochondrion became the focus in the entire life science circle.

    Today we published this concept: the law of regenerated life in the human body, which is the result of practicing Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy. Simply speaking, it is defined as ‘the inevitable results due to the expression of intrinsic life attributes of life body under vital conditions’. For example, a zygote can grow and develop into a human body under vital conditions, that is the law of human body growth and development; A wheat seed planted and growing under the natural conditions is bound to become the matured wheat strawwheat leaves and wheatears, that is the law of wheat growth and development; The injured part of earthworm can regenerate quickly, that is the law of earthworm regeneration.

    What exactly is the life law of the human body? Traditional research has few discoveries except the requirement of three meals a day for living and the regular pattern of birth, aging, disease and death. But many other laws are supposed to exist in our human body, like why qigong can destroy the enormously non-physical strength by using physical strength, of which we cannot give the explanation nowadays. Our findings today are the results of regenerated life in the human body that has been confirmed through our long-term clinical practices. Now we will discuss the following ten laws of regenerated life in the human body according to our clinical practices, which are the laws of regenerated life generated from human body regenerative potential and how to become a medical master on the basis of the ten laws.

    If somatic cells could be cultured and restored regeneratively, then organs and tissues of the human body could also be given in situ regenerative restoration and then we may be closer to our final goals. Somatic cells in the human body have already achieved in situ regenerative restoration which means the growth and development of somatic cells should stop at a certain time, but those cells can regain their secondary regenerated life in regenerative relay. The capability of cell regeneration indicates that organs and tissues of the human body can also regain their secondary regenerated life.

    Our club for regenerative restoration and health preservation has been established for four years and all members are younger than the ones who were admitted four years ago. I am as one of the members and representatives. Moreover, I will be younger and younger year after year. However, the life span of human beings is limited. Human beings have not enjoyed the result of regenerated life. Therefore, most of us undergo a natural aging process. Currently, our aim is to reverse the aging process with regenerative restoration. It is the law that all defected organs and tissues of human body can be regenerated. The key is to achieve regeneration with proper technique. 

    Regarding injury and regenerative relay, it is natural for us to think whether aged organs can be regenerated. We have achieved regenerative restoration on aged gastrointestinal tract. After the end of today’s meeting, we welcome everyone to visit the club and to see the regenerative process of an aged gastrointestinal tract in a person. The gastrointestinal tract is one of the internal organs of human body. If we can regenerate the aged GI tract, then all of the other organs can also be regenerated. For example, coronary heart disease and cor pulmonale can be cured by in situ regenerative restoration over a period of time.

    From the view of lengthening life span, telomere has become the hot spot in the worldwide research, due to the Nobel laureate in Medicine who studies telomere. It is a prejudice to take telomere as a determinant of life span, because telomere function still has to be determined by telomerase activity. So it is not only a question about life attributes but also a question about life metabolism. Indeed life metabolism refers to life activities in which mitochondria play a major role. Therefore, worldwide research on telomere is actually concentrating on mitochondria. Now we have achieved doubling the lifespan of rats without aging, and if this can occur in rats, it can occur in human beings. That is the decisive direction of researching law. Currently, Italian experts are repeating our research; they can prolong 12% of a rat’s lifespan with a simple way---feeding branched chain amino acid.

    Chronic atrophic gastritis results from mutation of gastric mucosal cells. We can achieve in situ regenerative restoration in a person with chronic atrophic gastritis within a year. For this reason, if gastric organs can be regenerated in situ from, then all the other lesions of human body organs can also be regenerated. That is the law of regenerated life for curing obstinate organ disease.

    Skin cancer is not unfamiliar to us. Although it is fearful to most people, it has already been resolved in our academic organization. If skin cancer can be cured then other cancers can also be cured, for they have the same pathogenesis with only difference of location. That is the law of regenerated life for cancer treatment.

    Cell 3T3 is the internationally recognized testing cell for carcinogens. As long as some substance triggers carcinogenesis of cell 3T3, it is recognized as carcinogen. In our study, once regenerative nutrients were given, the carcinogen will never lead to cellular carcinogenesis, regardless of what kind of carcinogen it is. This demonstrates that cancer can be prevented. We can say, we totally control the process of cell growth and development. Recently we have just finished the research on phosphoric acidification of mitochondria and discovered that cancer cell apoptosis occurred after absorbing regenerative nutrients. What is the core mechanism of this process? The core lies in the occurrence of problems in the process of mitochondria phosphoric acidification. Previous researches have found that both normal cells and cancer cells require the same nutrients. However, our research has fully demonstrated that mitochondria metabolism of these two cells are different. As a matter of fact, cancer happens because of cell starvation, caused by nutritional deficiency that results from inadequate supply of certain nutritional components.

    Today we will announce ten laws of the regenerated life and articles will be published openly afterwards. All of the experts attending today’s conference are the practitioners of in situ regenerative medical technique. Our confidence in science was only based on belief, trust and practice, and now, we also need to establish our confidence in the scientific laws. Scientific laws are of a decisive route that has already existed and can be expressed on a human body together. That is the life attribute.

    Theories in practice-Ten laws

    I. Regenerative restoration on deep burns indicates that regenerative restoration will occur on all kinds of wounds and chronic ulcers

    At present, burns, diabetic ulcers, and ulcers occurring in lower extremities and wounds caused by many other reasons cannot be fully cured. So what is the world-leading wound care? Surgical procedures cannot solve the above problem, chemical agents also cannot cure, dressing change can be used but cannot cure. Therefore, healing of these wound is still a worldwide problem. During new drug clinical study, the FDA has legally prohibited using any topical medications exerting a drying effect on wound bed and suggested using medications and techniques that can keep the wound moist. Therefore, Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy founded by us, is the only effective clinical method for wound care with the use of both our medication and dressing.

    We should not only focus on wound management, but also further our theoretical study. Wound healing is more than a result of in situ regeneration from stem cells. Stem cells can not be regenerated in situ if necrotic tissues have not been handled properly. Topical antibiotic use on the wound bed has been prohibited publicly throughout the world. So how do we control bacterial growth without antibiotics? As we all know, there are three main factors of metabolism which are oxygen, nutrients and mitochondria functions in cells. Metabolic function of mitochondria converts oxygen and nutrients into ATP, which is vital for the exertion of organs’ function and life maintenance. Aside from these three main factors, the others are less important. This is life. We should also consider these factors during wound management. Spring of life, cells, can not survive without energy supply and ATP. Therefore, both maintenance of living tissue regeneration and prevention of bacterial infection on the wound bed are required for wound care. That is a complicated project. However, we have achieved this goal to prevent wound infections without using antibiotics.

    Foreign experts attribute the onset of diabetic ulcers to inadequate local blood supply resulting from sugar metabolism disorder. They questioned how we resolved cellular metabolic insufficiency of energy without insulin. They were astonished when we announced our solutions. I was proud to tell them that this is our Chinese idea and that our eight core techniques can be used in any wound management. Cellular metabolism is the process that produces energy, promotes cellular activity and other cells to better development. ATP is the driving force of cell activity, and is mainly from sugar, fatty acid, and oxygen metabolism. We made local cells produce energy by fatty acid passage rather than insulin. Moist Burn Exposed Ointment (MEBO) is a leading drug for wound management, and energetic metabolism of regenerative nutrients in MEBO Wound Ointment requires large quantity of fatty acid. Therefore, diabetic ulcers can be completely cured by using our special techniques.

    We made the wound healing of full-thickness burns and the successful rescue of large area burn injuries using the above eight technical procedures in the picture. Hospitals at all levels in China have successfully put these techniques into clinical use and expanded into the management of traumas and ulcers. Now we expanded burn in situ regenerative restoration to entire field of life sciences in the therapeutic principle. All of us could be masters of medicine after we manipulate the law of regenerated life in combination with clinical practice. This conference is meant to resolve the questions of scientific thoughts and ideology. If a deep burn wound can be given in situ regenerative restoration, then traumatic injuries and ulcer wounds can be given either. Skin is the largest organ in human body. With the successful practice of in situ regenerative restoration on skin, all other organs can definitely be given in situ regenerative restoration.

    Burn wound management is a process to achieve the discharge of necrotic tissue and the regeneration of tissues as well as the construction of life bodies. Everyone makes enormous contributions to the Human Body Regeneration Science and we establish it by practicing. Anyone can be a master of medicine once he or she heals every intractable wound since there are no techniques from other corners of the world that can be used in healing intractable wounds.

    As shown in the figures, these wounds far exceed skin burn wounds. When I showed these figures to my friends who are the professors of foreign university (academic leader of trauma and ulcer care), they were surprised that I had finished something they had never imagined. This is not my own work, It is achieved by our whole team who practiced in accordance with theoretical knowledge. Granulated tissue grew out of the surface of exposed bone, and then achieved in situ regeneration. It is predictable what kind of effects these figures will bring about. It was definite for our scientific fruits exhibited in the 15th Meeting of ISBI to stir up the entire audience last year.

    A diabetic ulcer is different from a deep burn wound. It is a kind of comprehensive tissue injury that involves muscles and bones. Currently, diabetic ulcers can be cured by our methods. We are responsible for truly demonstrating this therapy in scientific ideology and clinical practice. What is the effect of law? Spreading your experience practicing the method will bring about the development of scientific system and benefit the next generation. That is the effect of scientific law. All of us need to perform the method in practice. To make this most cutting-edge technique become the scientifically applied technique, every expert here is required to practice and recreate in line with the scientific law. As long as you can achieve clinical creation, you will be a master of medicine.

    II. Research discovered that skin has regenerative potential, and then all human body organs and tissues have regenerative potentials

    Our research had found that the way of wound healing by in situ regenerative restoration is totally different from conventional management; meanwhile, the process and mechanism of wound regeneration had been totally decoded. We also found skin stem cell in subcutaneous tissues and this type of stem cell is the skin’s primary stem cell that exists in adipose tissue. It has been confirmed through the fact that skin organ in situ regenerative restoration occurred on the wound bed.

    It is our idea that US scientists applied to obtain stem cells from adipose tissue. Any result obtained from research using this idea belongs to our Chinese invention because we hold the patent to this technique. Those studies were accomplished after knowing our scientific thoughts. That is the basis for the formation of another law: As long as we can find stem cell in skin tissue, we can also find it in other tissue organs. But what is the predecessor cell of the stem cell found in tissue and organs? That is the key part of this scientific system. In the study of burn management, we have confirmed that a stem cell originated from an in situ tissue cell that we have named “Potential Regenerative Cell”. That is the congenital-existing regenerative potential in human body tissues and organs. Thus established is the law of regenerated life in which the regenerative potential not only exists in skin, but also in the other organs and tissues of human body.

    III. Regenerative nutrients not only can initiate and cultivate the regeneration of somatic cells, but also of the human body

    We culture somatic cells after biopsy; activate and cultivate them to stem cells and stem cells finally regenerate into tissue organ. Now some life scientists could only step into this stage where somatic cells are activated and stem cells are cultivated. No one ever could achieve the induction into stem cells. The famous iPs cell is a kind of cell with genetic changes and cancer risks that were never induced, but formed by gene recombination. It will never be a stem cell of the human body that is determined by the law of science. What we study is the process to convert a somatic cell into a stem cell and finally clone new tissue organs. If a cell cannot form terminal tissue during the conversion from a somatic cell into a stem cell, the cell formed will not be a stem cell, but a cancer cell or other abnormal cells.

    What is the mechanism of human body regeneration? There are four consequences for cells after fifty or sixty times of self-renewal: fibrosis, tumorigenesis, severe disease and apoptosis, which will ultimately lead to cell death. There is no other way to stop it in medical science. How does one resolve these problems? The extension of organ life and the restoration of organ functions could be achieved via in situ initiation, activation and cultivation of somatic cells into stem cells which in turn grow into new cells to replace the dying cells.

    In the clinical practice, we have initiated the regenerative restoration in multiple organ and tissue defects, such as skin by using regenerative nutrients. Therefore, regenerative nutrients can also be used to activate and cultivate the regeneration of other organs. That forms another new law of regenerated life.

    IV. Human somatic cell can achieve regenerated life in situ, every organ in human body can have the regenerated life

    Hereon, we discuss regenerated life which involves the life ability of regenerated somatic cells and the life vitality of cellular metabolism.

    Cells will release a special protein that we call ‘signal of cell death’ when fibrosis, disease, apoptosis or tumorigenesis occurs in cells in tissue organs. The brain will release a regeneration activating substance into blood stream and ‘Potential Regenerative Cells’ will be awoken after receiving this signal. The Regeneration activating substance participates in life activities of activating and nourishing ‘Potential Regenerative Cells’, and at the same time, creating life conditions to promote Potential Regenerative Cells into procedures of stem cells, as well as in situ initiating self-proliferation and differentiation so as to complement the vacancy of cells and tissues in organs and restore organ structure and function. Thereby, the integrity of organ structure and function could be maintained. ‘Potential regenerative cells’ were activated and involved in the exertion of main life functions in the human body after receiving the interventions of human body regenerative restoration; meanwhile, PRCs have the capacity of proliferation and differentiation that make them regenerate new basic life body. It is equivalent to add a new regenerated life to the human body. Therefore, whoever received the interventions of human body regenerative restoration to preserve his or her health will maintain sufficient and thriving Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength. At the same time, human body has ‘two lives’---basic life and regenerated life.

    The two parts below form the regenerated life: one is ‘initiation’ of regenerated life by regenerative nutrients: apart from activation of Potential Regenerative Cells by the death signal, regenerative nutrients are also needed to activate cell regeneration. We cannot directly get the regenerative nutrients from daily diet, there are no signs of expression of regenerated life activity ever before. As long as regenerative nutrients are given, regenerated life will be produced in the human body after the initiation of regenerative procedures. The sign of initiation of regenerated life is the emerging of new functions of cells. Once Potential Regenerative Cells produce the physiological functions of regenerated life, the human body has the functions of regenerated life. Regenerated life does not only exist in regenerated life but also in basic life. (More information refers to The Life Mechanism of Health Preservation of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science, The Chinese Journal for Burns wounds & Surface Ulcers, 2011, Issue 2, P99). Second is the maintenance of regenerated life by regenerative nutrients. Initiation and maintenance of potential regenerated life & basic life requires various nutrients including basic nutrient and regenerative nutrients: the continuous provision of the latter is more important to ensure the exertion of proper functions of potential regenerative cells. On one hand, physiological functions of this type of cell are initiated and completely exerted; on the other hand, they an ensure that newly regenerated cells can replace the fibrosis, diseased, apoptosis or mutated cells at all times. That is one of the reasons for the sufficient and thriving Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength. Nutrients we ingest enter into cells, part of nutrients is released and part of them gain access into mitochondria to produce energy. The large amounts of energy manufactured by mitochondria make the thriving of Vigor, Energy, Spirit and Strength reality. So those two parts compose regenerated life.

    V. Severed fingers have achieved regenerative restoration, and all the other tissue organs can also achieve regenerative restoration

    This is a patient with an amputated finger 6-7 days after trauma. Replantation connection was attempted after admission, but failed. Later, the severed finger was administered the therapeutic technique of in situ regenerative restoration. The wound was closed 22 days after treatment due to an infection of the wound bed. The entire fingertip did not achieve complete regenerative restoration: there was little defect on the distal part. How does one deal with the finger like that? It has been confirmed that regenerative capability exists in every organs according to the law of regenerated life. We believe that the stump can be regenerated. We cut off part of the regenerated fingers to form a fresh wound and cultivated the wound in situ and then the finger was regenerated at last. The human body is composed of epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle and nerve. The amputated finger with these four kinds of tissues has been regeneratively restored, so we have full confidence that human body tissues can also achieve in situ regenerative restoration. The above case proved the new law of regenerated life hidden in the human body. 

    Now many hospitals throughout the country are using the regenerative medical technique for severed finger treatment. If partial bone of the distal phalanx is left, we can make the whole distal phalanx regenerate. But if the injuries result in loss of the entire distal phalanx, we can make the stump produce the functions of finger pulp. The tactile sensation of the affected area will be the same as normal finger pulp.

    VI. Aged gastrointestinal tract have achieved regenerative restoration, and then all the other aged organs can also achieve regenerative restoration

    Before 30 years old, cells in tissues and organs of the human body are maintained in balance. The stronger the organ functions and cellular functions, more powerful the basic life of human body will be. After 30 years old, cells in tissues and organs are relatively balanced. Cells begin to get old with the maintenance of relative balance among normal cells, a few aged cells and dying cells: basic life of the human body appears less powerful. After 40 years old, the number of aged cells increases, with almost the same ratio of aging cells and growing cells. The human body still can hold the balance between these two kinds of cells, but organ functions and cell function begin to deteriorate, where weakening signs of basic life are emerging. When the human beings to pass 50 years old, there will be less growing cells but more aging cells. The number of aged cells will have exceeded that of growing cells. At this time, the balance is disturbed with aged cells dominating. As aging processesa series of phenomenon like fibrosis, disease, tumorigenesis and apoptosis will occur in human body cell, organs will begin to degenerate with organ and cell dysfunction, and basic life is becoming weaker and weaker. Organ function will be lost when these cells in fibrosis, disease, tumorigenesis and apoptosis reach a certain amount. Then human body approaches death, basic life comes to the termination. However, the above law of basic life will be changed if regenerative potential in the human body is initiated, which will make the human body begin the process of regenerative restoration by which basic life will be preserved and strengthened with regained, thriving vitality.

    Typical cases

    One member of the club, 55 years old, aged gastrointestinal tract was tested by SB video capsule with scarce and atrophic villi 5 years ago. After being given interventions of regenerative restoration health preservation for half a year, the intestinal wall was restored to normal thickness with the villi in youth status. It indicates the new law of regenerated life in GI organs once more.

    One member of the club, 42 years old, with extremely aged gastrointestinal tract. The examination of SB Video Capsule shows: apparent atrophy and weakness of mucosa and submucosa of small intestine, obvious sub mucosal vascular network and loops, sparse, widened and short villi with breakage, degeneration. Even falling and missing of villi in some area, shallowed crypt. All the gastrointestinal mucosa is in aged status. Examination of SB Video Capsule after one year’s interventions of regenerative restoration health preservation shows: obviously thickened mucosa and sub-mucosa of small intestine without inspecting sub-mucosal vascular network and loops. Dense and lengthened villi with enlarged diameters, no obvious breakage, shedding and missing, deep crypt. Whole gastrointestinal mucosa is in youth status which is unachievable by cutting-edge technique of current life science. Although transplantation is feasible, it is defective.

    Regeneration and restoration of aged organs is not only restricted to the gastrointestinal system, but also be applied to the entire organs. The efficacy of this technique will be tested and verified by the FDA in the next step. We are undergoing the FDA clinical trial for the approval of burns, wounds and surface ulcers treatment by this technique. The approval of organ regeneration will be the same. We must speed up the popularization of this technique in hopes of seeing cases with youthful GI organs converted by this technique from an aged status in every country.

    VII. Doubling rat lifespan without aging has been achieved, human beings can also double lifespan without aging

    Experiments have proved that rats with a doubled lifespan could live without any aging signs. In that way human being can also achieve this without aging. We tested and verified each organ. Experimental resultsSelected 300 days male rats which is equal to 60 years human beings. Test group was fed with regenerative nutrients, control group was not. Rats in the control group without regenerative nutrients died after their normal aging process (average 480 days). Histological examinations confirmed that all of the organs became old at middle ages. However, rats in the test group with regenerative nutrients were still alive at double the age. Histological examinations found that all organs stayed in youth status. Now disorders like coronary heart disease, kidney disease, pulmonary fibrosis and those disorders related to aging organs have been resolved by regenerative medical technique according to the law of regenerated life.

    The earliest achievement was bone marrow regeneration, which achieved reconstruction of some organs.

    For example: the treatment of leukemia, clinical efficacy is very good.

    Reproductive ability of human being could be promoted by interventions of regenerative restoration. A man of 50 years old could have reproductive ability like 30 years old.

    Muscles, especially in middle-aged and old men could become stronger and muscular fiber would not rupture with more powerful legs.

    Another example: brain degeneration in the elderly could be resolved in our generation by interventions of regenerative restoration. These are a series of laws of regenerated life.

    VIII. Chronic atrophic gastritis has been cured by interventions of regenerative restoration, then intractable diseases in other organs could also be cured by regenerative restoration

    All the intractable diseases that cannot be cured by western medicine, like coronary heart disease, cirrhosis, and gastrointestinal disorder can be studied and managed by using regenerative restoration. Gastritis with intestinal epithelization could be recovered with normal functions after regenerative restoration. We held a conference of gastroenterologists to give a definite conclusion that chronic atrophic gastritis can be repaired in situ under standard application of the therapeutic regimen of regenerative restoration.

    IX. Skin cancer can be completely cured by regenerative restoration, and all the other cancers can also be cured by regenerative restoration

    Topical use of regenerative nutrients is easier absorbed by cells during skin cancer treatment. As long as the amount of regenerative nutrients is sufficient to control the growth of cancerous cells, the efficacy of regenerative restoration will be apparent. However, the absorption of regenerative nutrients through the GI track for inner organs is much less effective. For this reason, special techniques are required to be combined to promote the absorption of regenerative nutrients to control the growth of internal cancer cell.

    X. Realization of control of 3T3 cell cancerization indicates that the onset of neoplasm in human beings could be prevented

    3T3 cell is a testing cell for identifying carcinogens used in the US NIH . This cell is used to test whether some substance has carcinogenic effects or not. We performed a simple experiment in which a cancer cell model was made by known carcinogens from normal cells. After the use of regenerative nutrients, 3T3 cells could not become cancerous cells by induction. Organelles will gradually increase at G0 period. Once they reach up to a specific level, the cell will enter into G1 period, during which the cell nucleus will divide and produce new cells. However, we could prevent cells from entering G1 period (blank in worldwide research). We can reverse the G1 period (finished gene multiplication) to G0 which is totally under artificial control (this experiment had already finished in 2001). It requires regenerative nutrients to control the process and the determinant is the quantity of regenerative nutrients other than substance changing genes. Results depend on amounts of regenerative nutrients; the regenerative process cannot be activated if there are inadequate regenerative nutrients. Numbers of organelle are determined by the amount of regenerative nutrients which make organelle metabolism thrive. Therefore, our conclusion is to use cellular metabolism to control life activity and to achieve the regeneration of the human body, but not changing cell attributes to control life. Our long-term concept is ‘any research to change life attributes would be antihuman.’ This is what we performed in cancer studies, and the management of cancer became easier. However, others are focusing on hereditary substance in the cell nucleus when studying cancer, which is the wrong direction.

    Try to be a medical grandmaster of time

    I. Feeling

    We must try to be a master of medicine. We are setting up an entire program to make sure that Human Body In situ Regenerative Restoration science can be shared by all mankind. The founder of regenerative science system is Chinese, but the same situation should never occur as ‘Marxism have established in China with Chinese characteristic’. From burn treatment to regenerative science, including almost all organs in human body and human life, the academic organization---CBAIM is the most authoritative organization. Now it is a golden chance for us. Chinese scientists mastering the laws of regenerated life will reach out to the world in less than three to four years. All of us should evaluate our capabilities in this aspect, it is not bulling. From establishment of Burns Regenerative Medicine and Therapy to the success of regenerative medicine, all I said has been achieved now.

    This is a new chapter in history and all of us should promote our career development by this law of science. It is the best chance for every one of us to contribute to society and our own development.

    II. Establish the master ideological level

    The ideological level must be selfless, serious, and prudent for the one who want to be medical masters. I could not finish the studies of regenerative science, if I did not have that ideological level. It is completely selfless to spend 1.1 billion in the studies of regenerative science. All I have done with 1.1 billion contributes to life and health of human beings. Chinese culture needs to be spread from China, so we must develop science and economy selflessly. This selflessness is to save people’s lives and promote life quality of human beings. Therefore, we must upgrade our ideological level. The great mission to benefit all mankind will lose its direction without the master ideological level.

    III. Establish scientific thought of life’s law

    Everything happens from a source that can never be falsified if the source could not be found. It is the first time for me to announce that I found the source of carcinogenesis. We must upgrade our member’s ideological level in the CBAIM on the basis of scientific thoughts of laws of regenerated life. Science needs to be serious and prudent in order to find the root. Following this guidance, law of life will be established, not a regular pattern of life. Regular pattern of a life is to explore something, but the law of life is to establish something, which are the different stages of two thoughts. If Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy had not been established, the law of regenerated life in the organs of human body would not be found. I would not fight tooth and nail up to now.

    What we study is the expressed law of life attributes in the human body. Up until now there are much research on the laws of human body without results. What is the law of Qigong? No one knows. This experience could only be inherited from generation to generation.

    IV. Establish the responsibility of world salvation

    Is the responsibility of world salvation the spirit of healing wounds and rescuing the dying? Never, because the spirit of healing wounds and rescuing the dying belongs to social morality, but the responsibility of world salvation should be considered as an innate duty, just like the duty to feed our own children. It is my experience that we would neglect our duty if we could not cure a patient. To be a medical master requires us to establish the responsibility of world salvation to cure each patient on our hands, but not to be the savior. As long as you have that ideological level, nothing  in front of you will be an obstacle.

    V. Manipulate this ‘top healing’ medical technique

    To be a doctor, we are required to manipulate one or multiple medical techniques, not only to perform medical studies, such as the technique of regenerative restoration that can be used to help more patients. Someone like that is considered a master of medicine. You would become a medical master if you could cure a simple disease that can not be cured by others. Fame is not the only thing we seek. Others would look down upon you if you can not handle even a single disease. As doctors, the top (cutting-edge) medical techniques need to be manipulated by us. Once intractable conditions are cured, you will be a brilliant master of medicine. Presently, a total of 76 conditions related to wound and ulcers have been published in The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds and Surface Ulcers, all of which can be treated using the medical technique of regenerative restoration. Then you will be considered as a medical master of one of the 76 conditions. There have not been any problems in the treatment of wounds and surface ulcers for us. If we could manipulate the methods in the treatment of one to two conditions, we could naturally become the beloved masters by the patients.

    VI. Try to be a medical grandmaster of time

    The core idea of CBAIM is to be a master of medicine for the purpose of saving lives and not for pursuit of fame and profits. However, a medical master needs to be approved by society. The more patients you cure, the more approval society will give you. Someone opponents criticized us being cheaters at the beginning of the application of Burn Regenerative Medicine and Therapy, now they are learning from us this technique. We are proud of that. Everyone will know that we established Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science at the mention of in situ stem cells. Welcome everyone to the participation and application of our technique to cure patients. As a result, the real pursuit for doctors is to cure patients and put aside the political fame. There is no need to fear any political resistance if we follow the route in accordance with the law of science. You are a doctor, a doctor who can bring back life to a patient and you will be a top-ranking doctor who will be accepted as a master of medicine by patients.


    Today, two parts have been presented: one is to master life’s law. Our law of life is the law of regenerated life. The other is to be a master of medicine, who should exist in the entire world. It is top-ranking technique for us to apply medical technique of regenerative restoration when treating burns, traumatic injuries and ulcers, which should be maintained by all of us. Currently, Youth Committee of CBAIM has been established for the purpose of encouraging and promoting young members to be masters of medicine. If all of the doctors in our country could become medical masters, more patients could be cured with improved life and health quality.

    We will create opportunities for every expert to spread internationally the idea of regenerative restoration in batches. Who speak fluent English can be sent out first. For those who cannot speak English fluently, an interpreter can be provided. Therefore, our experts should establish apolitical thought and disregard for reputation. As long as you manipulate medical technique of regenerative restoration, wherever you go, you can be a master of medicine. When the treatments of burns, wounds and ulcers in the world integrate, wherever our experts go, they will be trusted and beloved by patients.

    Thank you!

    (According to the sound recording of Prof. Xu Rongxiang’s lecture on the fourth professional committee meeting of the Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine)


    Received Jun.18,2011