The Experimental Morphological Study on Microcirculatory Vascular Tree of Skin Vlll
Bat Shuting Gao Jie Li Ji
(Dept. of Anatomy, China Medical University)
Feng Hong
(Dept. of Anatomy, Dandong Secondary School of Hygiene)
The authors observed the three dimensional distributive regularity of the microcirculatory vascular tree of skin, in the planta pedis using light microscope and scanning electron microcope. In the meantime, the number of apocrine sweat gland and merocrine sweat gland was calculated. The authors showed the whole picture and the longitudinal ascending courses of the microcirculatory vascular tree of skin and also illustrated the running and distributive characteristics of the weeping willow-- like vascular branches in the deep dermis. This study provided the morphological research data for the theory of the microcirculatory vascular tree of skin and for the skin flap transplantattion of planta pedis.
The Relationship Between Biopharmacy Factors and Therapeutic Effects of MEBO
Da Huaien
(Hospital of Communications, Liaocheng Prefecture)
The relationship between biopharmacy factors of MEBO, including its physical and chemical properties and its therapeutic effects is discussed. An explanation of the mechanism of action of MEBO is presented. Moisturizing, emuisifying and dispersing effects of the ingredients of MEBO are important factors in producing its therapeutic effects such active drainage and antiinflammatory and antiinfective effects. The base of the ointment also has the effects of promoting circulation and granulation and also plays an important role in producing its therapeutic effects. The entire pharmaceutical preparation is an entity making the ointment an excellent remedy.
Monitoring of Burn Wound invasive infection by Bacteria Quantitation, Biopsy and Blood Culture ----A Comparative Study
(Abstract )
Li Liping Ma Enqing
(Dept. of Burn and Plastic Surgery, The Affiliated Hospital, Hengyang Medical College)
The burn wound invasive infection model was established in rats by comtamination of 20% body surface area of full -- thickness burn, respectively with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli, the common bacteria inducing burn wound infections. On the lst, 3rd, fifth, 7th and gth day after burn, 6 or more rats in each group were killed. The heart blood was aspirated for blood culture immediately. Burn wound examinations itncluding quantitative bacteria culture and biopsy were performed in divided burn wound tissue specimens. The results showed that the bacterial quantitation was more reliable in red fleeting the quality and quantity of bacteria invading into burn wound tissue. Burn wound invasive infection may be inferred on the basis of the bacteria quantity in the tissue. Therefore, bacterial quantitation was o practical value for the prevention, early diagnosis an treatment of burn wound invasive infection.
Change in Tissue Fluid Pressure of Severely Burned Patients: and its Clinical Significance
Zhang Xiangqing
(No. 139 Hospital, PLA)
Exudation of tissue fluid and edema are often apparently seen after burn injury. Tissue fluid pressure is often at a high level. Tissue fluid pressure of 14 patients with severe burn and 10 patients with extremely severe burn was measured in our hospital, using a Type -- ZHY tissue fluid pressometer and the results were compared with that of the normal control. Within the exudation period, 48 hours after burn, the subcutaneous tissue fluid pressure at the burned area of the severely and extremely severely burned patients were respectively 19. 59+10. 48 and 8. 75+2. 27 cmH2O , and at the non--injuried area were respectively 5. 27+2. 37 and 2. 79+1. 04 cmH2O, and were higher than that of the normal control (0. 07+1. 16 cmH2O). The difference beteween the normal control and injured patients, between injured area and non--injured area of the burn patients and between the severely burnec and extemely severely burned patients had very greal statistical significance (P<0.01)). At the end of the recovery period ,7 days after burn, tissue fluid pressure at the injured area lowered obviously but remained higher than normal. This implied that 7 days a fier burn, there was still retention of fluid in the interstitial space. 3 patients had circular eschar in legs were subjected to incision to reduce the pressure under the eschar. The results were satisfactory. The tissue fluid pressure under the eschar was kept below 35 cmH2O.
Change in Peripheral Blood Hemoglobin Concentration After Skin Burns and its Clinical Significance Skin Burns and lie Clinical Significance
Wang Qingli Zhang Xiangqing
(No. 139. hospital, PLA, North Shandong Burn Centre)
Continuous monitoring of hemoglobin concentration of 97 burn patients was performed. The results were statistically analyzed. Factors influencing Hb concentration were discussed. The results revealed that Hb concentration rose significantly (P<0.01), at the first 24 hours after burn and lowered significantly (P<0. 01), at the third 24 hours after burn, as compared with normal control. The patients were divided into 2 groups. 62 patients with their conditions not very severe, (total burn area smaller than 30%BSA and third degree. burn area smaller 10%BSA) were in the first group. Patients in this group had Hb concentration turned to normal in 2 weeks (P>0. 05). 35 patients with severe burns (total burn area larger than 30%BSA and third degree burn area larger than 10% BSA) were in the second group. Patients in the second group had Hb concentration turned to normal only after the wounds were clinically healed at 4 to 7 weeks after burn. Patients in the first group did nol have anemia, while those in the second group did have. The seventy of anemia was correlated with the seventy of burn and was also correlated to burn shock, damage of RBC membrane by oxygen free radical, existence of serum erythropoietic inhibition factor, frequent change of dressing, blood loss during operation, malnutrition, infections, burn toxin, adverse effects of drugs and plasma input, etc.
Treatment of Experimental Rabbit Comeal Alkaline Burn
Huang Qingshan Zhou Guang Huang Erxian Su Boping
(Urban Central Hospital, Laiwu City, Shandong Province)
Fibrous ligandin and MEBO were used respectively for treating experimental rabbit comeal alkaline burn, the condition of the burn focus and healing or damaging of the comeal epithelium were examined. A comparison of the results revealed that MEBO was superior to fibrous ligandin for its antiinflammatory, antiinfective, swelling subsiding and analgesic effects.
Clinical Research on the Effect of Microelement Zinc on the Survival Rate of Skin Graft
Liu Jianchun Qi Shenzhen
(The Norman Bethune international Peace Hospital)
From October,1987 to December, 1989, 180 burn patients Were treated and subjected to skin grafting. A comparative study of the survival rate of the skin graft was done. 90 patients having a higher serum Zn level were divided into the treating group and 90 patients havinq a lower serum Zn level in the control group. The results revealed that the survival rate of the skin graft was higher in the treating than in the control group. The higher the serum Zn level, the higher the skin graft survival rate, and the quicker the burn wounds healed.
Analysis of Case History of 2994 Burn Patients
Wang Yongwu Wang Yaming Chen Cunfu Zhang Zhihua Hu Linfeng
(Dept. of Burn Surgery, No. 91 Hospital)
Statistical analysis of case history of 2994 burn patients was carried out. Factors influencing the incideuce of burn, the healing rate and tpe main complications responsible for death were discussed. Medium and small area burns accounted for the majority of the burns. Padiatric burns occurred mostly in the place other than child--care units. Adults had the highest incidence of burn, and adult burn incidence was correlated to the profession, the safety measures against fire and awareness of protecting from burns. Most adults were burned because they worked against the operational regulations. Geriatric burns were mainly due to being slow in reacting and difficult to move about. Burn incidence of different parts of the body lowered down in the sequence: hands, craniofacial part, lower extremities, upper extremities, and trunk. The incidence of shock and complications was closely correlated to the time of hospitalization. Death due to infections was mostly resulted from septicemia and pneumonia. Bacterial infections were mainly caused by Staphlococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The authors warned of the danger of abuse of antibiotics. Abuse of antibiotics has resulted in rapid increase of drug--resistant strains.
An investigation on the Cause and Location of Burn of 358 Patients
Gan Chuanwei Yang Junzhi
(Hospital for Professional Diseases, Zibo City, Shandong Province )
An investigation was made on 358 buro patients. Factors including sex, age, season, location of burn and causes of burn were analyzed. Measures for the treatment and prevention and labor protection werl suggested.
Progress in Burn Wound Management in China
Meng Qingxiang Du Shumel Bac Qingzhen
(The first People's Hospital, Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province)
Burn wound management is a key link. in the treatment of burns. This paper summarizes the recent progress in burn wound management in China.. The indication of surgical operation and skin grafting, drugs for topical us6 on burn wounds and other new research achievements are discussed. The authors focused on the analysis of MEBT and concluded that MEBT is a new therapeutic system of burn medicine which combines the theory of traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine. MEBT has the following merits: 1. MEBO is a drug for topical use, but it has characteristic features that other traditional drugs do not have. 2. MEBO promotes liquefaction and removal o. necrotic Wound tissue, from superficies to deepel parts of the wound, without causing new damage. 3. MEBO promotes adequate drainage. 4. It covers ane therefore, protects the wounds from infections. and 5. MEBO provides a continuous supply of drug on the wounds. MEBT is based on the dialectical law of traditional Chinese medicine and is now widely accepted in China, MEBT will be widely popularized ail over the world in a near future.
Successful Rescue of A Case with 100% BSA Scald Complicated by
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Septicemia
Luo Chengqun Ma Enqing Huang Shixiang Liu Fazhu Huang Xiaoyuan
(Dept. of Burn Plastic Surgery, Affiliated Xiangya Hospital,
Hunan Medical University)
A Patient fell into an alkaline Sewage pool at 88C for 4 to 5 seconds and was scalded to 100%BSA. After the patient was admitted to our hospital, the burn wounds of head, neck, perineal and buttock were treated with MEBT, while wounds of four extremities and trunk treated with dry therapy. 9 days after injury, the patient was complicated by Ps. aeruginosa septicemia and stress digestive tract ulcer with massive hemorrhage. The complications were controlled effectively by treating with traditional Chinese medicine in combination with western medicine in 3 days. After that the deep degree wound was autografted with free skin graft. All wounds healed in 54 days after injury. No hypertrophic scar had formed and no deformity had occurred after healing The authors summarize their experience on the management, of deep degree burn wounds.
A Comparison Between the Efficacy of Dry Warm Therapy and MEBT
(Abstract )
Lu Huiqun
(No. 949 Factory Hospital, Shashi, Hubei Province)
From March 1974 to April 1994, our department treated 1415 cases of burn patients. Before 1988, most of the patients were treated with binding -- up method. Some patients with head, neck and perineal burns were treated with MEBT or "semi --MEBT". After 1988, under tab direction of Dr. Xu, we began to use MEBT widely for treating burn wounds. In brder to compare the efficacy of MEBT with that of dry warm therapy, one thousand patients were divided into two groups, 500 in each group. Ptatients in one group were treated with dry war.m therapy and in the other group with MEBT. In the whole course of the treatment, pad tients were carefully observed including deepening of scab, pain reactions, infections and ulceration, scar formation after healing, etc. The difference, between the two+ groups for all the observed items was very significant (P<0. 01). Patients in MEBT group had a short6r healing time than those in the dry warm therapy group. All of these showed that MEBT had a better efficacy than dry warm therapy.
Efficacy Analysis of Moist andDry Burn Therapy
Guo Fengying Yang Fusheng
(No. 302 Hospital of the Ministry of Aeronautical Engineering)
152 cases of burn were treated. Among which, 76 cases were treated with moist therapy and 76 cases with dry therapy. The results were compared. The conclusions were as follows:
1. Moist therapy gave a better therapeutic result than dry therapy.
2. Moist therapy was simple and easy to apply and therefore was suitable for grass-root and rural area units.
3. Moist therapy was superior to dry therapy for having good analgesic, antiinfective effects and fewer scar formation. Futhermore, moist therapy had a shorter healing time than dry therapy.
Clinical Comparison Between the Efficacy of MEBT and Conventional Dry Therapy
Yang Yaochao
(People's Hospital, Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang)
In the period from 1989 to 1991, burn patients were treated in our hospital with conventional dry therapy and after 1992, patients were treated with MEBT. A comparison between the efficacy of the two methods reveajed that MEBT is superior to conventional dry therapy in many aspects: Firstly, the healinq rate was increased obviously. In remote and rural areas where modern medical facilities are still lacking, MEBT can be widely accepted as a practical and effective means for treating burns. Secondly, MEBT reduced the occurrence of sequel of burns and thirdly, MEBT had aesthetic effect in treating superficial second degree burns in face.
MEBO for Treating 106 Cases of Residual Wounds Not Healed
by Treating with Dry Therapy and Other Drugs
Xu Ruliang Niu Tianyi
(General Hospital, China Railway Construction Co.)
This paper reports the efficacy of MEBO for treating 106 cases of various residual wounds not healed by treating with dry therapy and other drugs. The results were very satisfactory. MEBO proved to be very efficacious but should be used in a proper way. Systemic treatment should be applied when necessary. Infections were controlled and scar formation was reduced. The wounds healed without skin grafting.
MEBO and Astragalus Root for Treating A Case of Severe
Skin Infection Complicated by latrogenic Hypercorticoidism
(Abstract )
Shan Xiankang Cao Jinxu
(Shenyang nospital of chinese Air Forces)
A case of severe skin infection complicated by iatrogenic hypercorticoidism was treated with MEBO and astragalus root and adjunctively with other treating method. The patient suffered from allergic subsepsis and received continuous doses of adrenocortical hormone for 12 years. The patient healed.
The authors pointed out that adrenocortical hcf mone has very serious adverse effects. It should be used with caution. This case provides experience i the treatment of patients with disease of the like.
Clinical Experience in the Rescue of Severe
Compound injury Complicated by HemorrhagiC Shock
Wade Zhende Yagi Yunzhang Zhang Xiangqing
(NO. 139 Hospital, PLA)
23 cases of severe compound injury complicated by hemorrhagic shock were treated with fast infusion of large volume of fluid and adjunctively with large doses of mannitol and dexamethasone. The results were very satisfsctory. This experience is of value a reference for clinical practice of burn and traumati surgery.
28 cases of Dermal Erosion and ulcer Teeal-ed with MEBO
Su Ping Zhang Ying
(Hospital of Bet lino Unlversity)
MEBO differs from other antibacterial drugs. It does not kill normal flora around the wound. MEBO has lipophilic property which enables it to protect the wound from irritations. When MEBO is mixed with the exudate from the wound, it is no longer lipophilic and turns into a white liquid to be removed spontaneously from the wound. MEBO has antirancid and antisaponification effects. It facilitates liquefaction of thl hecrotio tissue and promotes healing of 'the wound MEBO is non--irritative and has no adverse effect.
28 patients with dermal erosion and ulcer werl treated with MEBO. All the patients healed. The re suits were very satisfactory. MEBO is superior to oth er antibiotics for treating disease of the like.
35 Cases 6f Penis Coronary Sulcus Pointed Condyloma
Treated with MEBU After Operation
Liu Qi Song Zhongxian
(No. 209 Hospital, PLA)
35 cases of penis coronary sulcus pointed condyIoma were treated with MEBO after surgical operation. The results were very satisfactory. No hemorrhage happened. No suture was needed. No analgesi and no antibiotic drugs were used. The wound healed without scar formation and without recurrence.
The Application of MEBO for Treating Woulds Other Than Burn Wound
(Abstract )
Chen Haiyan
(Hospital of the lst Drilling Co. Central Plain Oil Field)
13 cases of wounds other than burn wound were treated with MEBO. The results were very satisfactory. MEBO was applied by using different methods. MEBO had good analgesic, antiinfective, blood circulation promoting, stasis removing, necrotic tissue removing and granulation promoting effects. For deep wounds, no scar formed after healing. MEBO is promising to have a wide scope of application.
MEBO for Treating Patients with Type 11 Diabetes
Complicated by Carbuncles in Shoulder, Back and Neck
Xie Yongshun
(Dept. of Surgery, People's Hospital, Qitai County,
Xinjian Uvaur Autonomous Region)
Patients type II diabetes complicated by carbuncles are difficult to treat, especially those hypersensitive to penicillin. The wounds always do not heal for a long time.
In our hospital, we treated 2 patients with type 11 diabetes complicated by carbuncles in shoulder, back and neck, not healed 'for many months after treated in many other hospitals. MEBO was used and the results were very satisfactory. Patients healed without leaving any scar. The healing time was short and the treatment was not painful.
Progress in the Research of Venous. Skin Flap in China
Liu Naijun
(Central Hospital, Tonghua City, Jilin Province)
This paper summarizes the achievements in the research of venous skin flap in the past three years in China, including the following aspects:
1. Experimental research on the mechanism of the survival.
2. Research on applied anatomy.
3. Trends in clinical applications.
Prospects of the application of venous skin flap, a kind of nonphysiological skin flap, especially arterialized venous skin flap are emphasized. The author suggests that the research should be focused on raising the surviving rate of the flap and the quality of the . survival and reducing complications. A discussion is made on whether physiological flap should be of the first choice in clinical use.
Hand Soft Tissue Defect Repaired with Lateral Abdominal Wall Skin Flap
Zhang Zuofeng
(Binzhou Medical College)
6 cases of hand soft tissue defect were repaired by using lateral abdominal wall skin flap. The results were very satisfactory. This paper describes in details, the method for preparing the flap and makes a discussion on the anatomy and the indications of the technique.